This repository consolidates various projects developed in the Architecture JEE - 2GI MUNDIA class.
- Description: This is a Spring MVC application for managing patient records.
- Technologies: Spring MVC, Thymeleaf, Spring Data JPA, MySQL, Tailwind CSS.
- Features: Add, view, update, delete patient records, search, pagination, form validation.
- Description: (Please manually add the description from the TP3_Hospital repository).
- Technologies: (Please manually add the technologies used in the TP3_Hospital repository).
- Features: (Please manually add the features from the TP3_Hospital repository).
- Description: (Please manually add the description from the Student_app_Mohamed_Lakssir repository).
- Technologies: (Please manually add the technologies used in the Student_app_Mohamed_Lakssir repository).
- Features: (Please manually add the features from the Student_app_Mohamed_Lakssir repository).
- Description: This project illustrates dependency injection (IoC - Inversion of Control) using the Spring framework.
- Technologies: Java 17, Spring Framework 6.0.0, Maven.
- Features: Static instantiation, dynamic instantiation, XML configuration, annotations.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd Architecture_JEE_2GI_MUNDIA
Follow the individual project setup instructions found in their respective directories.
- Mohamed Lakssir