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Analytics dashboard application for LIDO based collections


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Datahub Dashboard

Software License

The Datahub Dashboard is an application which allows users and data providers to measure the completeness, unambiguity, richness and openness of their metadata. The metadata is retrieved from an OAI-PMH endpoint, for example a Datahub application.

The application can currently only handle LIDO data schemes, but can be easily extended to handle other, similar schemes as well.


This project requires following dependencies:

  • PHP >= 7.1.3
    • With the php-cli and php-xml extensions.

    • The PECL Mongodb (PHP7) extension. Note that the mongodb extension must be version 1.2.0 or higher. Notably, the package included in Ubuntu 16.04 (php-mongodb) is only at 1.1.5.

      To install PECL and mongodb:

      $ apt-get install php-pear
      $ pecl install mongodb
  • MongoDB >= 3.2.10


Via Git:

$ git clone
$ cd Datahub-Dashboard
$ composer install # Composer will ask you to fill in any missing parameters before it continues

You will be asked to configure the connection to your MongoDB database. You will need to provide these details (but can currently be skipped due to still being in development):

  • The connection to your MongoDB instance (i.e. mongodb://
  • The username of the user (i.e. datahub_dashboard)
  • The password of the user
  • The database where your data will persist (i.e. datahub_dashboard)

Before you install, ensure that you have a running MongoDB instance, and you have created a user with the right permissions. From the Mongo shell run these commands to create the required artefacts in MongoDB:

> use datahub_dashboard
> db.createUser(
     user: "datahubdashboarduser",
     pwd: "datahubdashboardpass",
     roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ]

If you want to run the dashboard for testing or development purposes, execute this command:

$ php bin/console server:run

Use a browser and Navigate to You should now see the dashboard homepage.

Refer to the Symfony setup documentation to complete your installation using a fully featured web server to make your installation operational in a production environment.


Initial setup

In order to fill up the dashboard database with the necessary metadata, run this command:

$ php bin/console app:fetch-data

The command takes an optional parameter, namely the URL of the OAI-PMH endpoint. This URL can also be configured in config/parameters.yml. In order to update the data on a regular basis, consider putting the command in a cron job.

Front end development

Front end workflows are managed via yarn and webpack-encore.

The layout is based on Bootstrap 3.3 and managed via sass. The code can be found under app/resources/public/sass.

Javascript files can be found under assets/js. Dependencies are managed via yarn. Add vendor modules using require.

Files are build and stored in web/build and included in app/Resources/views/base.html.twig via the asset() function.

The workflow configuration can be found in webpack.config.js.

Get started:

# Install all dependencies
$ yarn install

# Build everything in development
$ yarn run encore dev

# Watch files and build automatically
$ yarn run encore dev --watch

# Build for production
$ yarn run encore production


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


All Contributors

Copyright and license

The Datahub Dashboard is copyright (c) 2018 by Vlaamse Kunstcollectie vzw.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The GPLv3 License (GPL). Please see License File for more information.


Analytics dashboard application for LIDO based collections







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