This Repository contains a Detailed Weather Sample app that Implements MVVM clean Architecture in Kotlin using Retrofit2, Koin, RxKotlin, Lottie, AndroidX, Android Jetpack, RxBinding
App.kt its include Dependencies Injections Modules using Koin
model its include the data payload from the repository, the formatted use case model
utils Caintains utils classes and specialy a Mapper class used to map images to a data
view View Classes Fragments/Activities/Adapters
view_model ViewModels Classes that provide data to View
interfaces Contains all the necessary interfaces
core Contains the Api and repositories classes, and also some specific translation class like Translator
Subscribe to data from viewModel
Observe viewmodel Publish State for response
Having all Publisher of Models
Call getWeather() from Repository
Send requested param to repository
Get RequestData as Param from ViewModel (still in progress)
Fetch data from DB/Api
Fetch data as Observable that is observed by viewmodel