#Version Control Workshop using Git for WordPress Development
##Exercise: Repository/Init/Cloning
###Create Workshop Directory We need to create a directory (or folder) to contain our workshop files.
On Mac or Linux (in Terminal, case is important):
mkdir ~/Sites
mkdir ~/Sites/git-workshop
cd ~/Sites/git-workshop
On Windows (in Cmd):
md C:\Sites
md C:\Sites\git-workshop
cd C:\Sites\git-workshop
###Run Git to Verify it is Installed On Mac or Linux (in Terminal, case is important):
On Windows (in Cmd):
###Initialize a Repository
git init
###Configure Git to Know You Be sure to replace the placeholders with your own information:
git config --global user.name 'Your Name Here'
git config --global user.email 'your_email@here.com'
##Exercise: Status/Commit/Add/Log
###Check Status of your Repository
git status
Notice you are on branch master
###Create a File On Mac or Linux (in Terminal, case is important):
echo 'Hello' > hello.txt
git status
On Windows (in Cmd):
echo 'Hello' > hello.txt
git status
###Add the File to Files Ready to Commit
git add hello.txt
git status
###Commit the File
git commit -m "My First Commit"
git status
###Change the File On Mac or Linux (in Terminal, case is important):
echo 'Hello World' > hello.txt
cat hello.txt
git status
On Windows (in Cmd):
echo 'Hello' > hello.txt
type hello.txt
git status
###Add the File Again and Commit
git add hello.txt
git commit -m "Add Hello to World"
git status
###List Changes Storied in the Repository
git log
###Add Another File and Commit
echo 'More Info' > another.txt
git add another.txt
git commit -m "Adding another file"
git log
commit f97bc7c12e5487b66e5caa76d1d6a48720149424
Author: Alejandra <alejandra@newclarity.net>
Date: Sun Mar 22 15:49:33 2015 -0400
Adding another file
commit 4f00d7193a036b41d8b01b588c8ea4b759e50e32
Author: Alejandra <alejandra@newclarity.net>
Date: Sun Mar 22 15:44:25 2015 -0400
Add World to Hello
commit 2163cb170cab1e3541bba71ab6dd3c5206e485a9
Author: Alejandra <alejandra@newclarity.net>
Date: Sun Mar 22 15:37:42 2015 -0400
My First Commit
##Exercise: Checkout/Head/Branch
###Checkout State of First Commit
Run the first command where <commit_id> is replaced with your specific commit ID from the git log
command above.
git checkout <commit_id>
git checkout 2163cb170cab1e3541bba71ab6dd3c5206e485a9
####List Files in Directory On Mac or Linux (in Terminal, case is important):
On Windows (in Cmd):
The only file is hello.txt
. We will call this state of files first
###Create a Branch named first
git branch first
git status
###Checkout Branch first
git checkout first
git status
git branch
###Add a Line to hello.txt
on Branch first
i.e. Consider this a bug fix.
On Mac or Linux (in Terminal, case is important):
echo 'Goodbye World' >> hello.txt
cat hello.txt
git commit -m "Fixing Lack of Goodbye (Bug)"
On Windows (in Cmd):
echo 'Goodbye World' >> hello.txt
type hello.txt
git commit -m "Fixing Lack of Goodbye (Bug)"
###Oops, we need to Add before we can Commit
git add hello.txt
git commit -m "Fixing Lack of Goodbye (Bug)"
##Exercise: Merge/Conflict/Reset
###Checkout master
git checkout master
cat hello.txt
###Merge first
into master
git status
git merge first
cat hello.txt
###Create and Checkout New Branch second
i.e. Consider this a feature for a new version.
git checkout -b second
Use your text editor to search and replace "World" to "People" in hello.txt
(you may need to reload the file.). Now:
git add hello.txt
git commit -m "Changed World to People"
####Run commands to see changes
git log -n3
git branch
cat hello.txt
####Checkout Branch master
git checkout master
####Run commands to see changes
git log -n3
git branch
cat hello.txt
####Change "World" to "Everyone" in master
i.e. Consider this a concurrent change by another developer.
Use your text editor to search and replace "World" to "Everyone" in hello.txt
(you may need to reload the file.) Now:
git add hello.txt
git commit -m "Changed World to Everyone"
####Run commands to see changes
git log -n3
git status
####Merge Branch second
into master
git merge second
####Fix Conflict
Use your text editor to fix the following conflict (keep just the Hello/Goodbye People):
<<<<<<< HEAD
Hello Everyone
Goodbye Everyone
Hello People
Goodbye People
>>>>>>> second
####Add then Commit fixed conflict
git add hello.txt
git commit -m "Fixed Conflict of Everyone and People"
####Run commands to see changes
git log -n3
git status
###Add New File mistake.txt
echo 'This is a mistake.' > mistake.txt
git add mistake.txt
git commit -m "Committed by mistake"
###Rollback Last Commit
git reset --soft HEAD^
git log -n3
##Exercise: Stash/Remove/Remote
###Add New File new-file.txt
echo 'This is a new file.' > new-file.txt
git add *
git status
###Oops, Forgot to Remove mistake.txt
rm mistake.txt
git rm mistake.txt
git status
###Now Stash your New File
git stash
git stash list
git status
###Now Checkout second
Imagine we want to work on the new feature again.
git checkout second
git log -n3
Imagine you did some changes, committed and are ready to return to master.
git checkout master
git stash pop
git stash list
##Exercise: Pantheon Create account at:
- pantheon.io
- Remember your password! Write it down
Create your first site
Follow the prompts
Start with Core
- Install WordPress
"Welcome to Pantheon"
- "Developer with git pushes"
Visit Website
Configure WordPress Site Name, etc.
Bookmark site URL
See Dashboard
- Dev
- Test
- Live
directorymv .git .git-save
Open in Sublime (if Mac)
Switch Connection Mode to Git in Pantheon Dashboard
Copy the SSH URL
git clone <ssh_url>
Accept the fingerprint
##More Useful Git Terms
###Push You Push uncommitted changes so a remote Git server to make your changes available to other developers.
###Pull You Pull committed changes other developers have pushed to the Git server to synchronize their changes to your local repo.
##Exercise: Push/Pull
###Go to Admin/Plugins/Installed Plugins
###Go to WordPress directory in Sublime
###Delete this plugin in Sublime:
###In Terminal, remove files from Git repo:
cd <your_repo>
git rm wp-content/plugins/hello.php
git status
git commit -m "Remove Hello plugin"
###Push Changes to the Remote Git Server at Pantheon
git push
###Set "Push" Behavior to "Simple"
git config --global push.default simple
###Look at Pantheon Dashboard ###Look at the WordPress Installed Plugins
###Get a Team Member and Add to your Pantheon Account
###Clone your team member's site to git2
###Modify your team member's site:
Add the following to
<font size="7" color="red">I'm in your themes hacking your Internets!</font>
###Add Commit and Push
git add *
git commit -m "Adding my hack"
git push
###Have them check out their website
###Check your website
###Now Pull Your Team Member's Changes
git pull
Fix the hack using Sublime.
git add *
git commit -m "Fixed their hack"
git push
###Check your website