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feedfin is a simple feed agregator that I'm building in Python 3 with Flask, Pony, and Bootstrap. It still needs tons of work, but it's at least minimally functional... Give it a spin?


Clone the repo
$ git clone
Initialize and source a virtualenv
$ cd feedfin
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies
$ (venv) pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: Be sure to provide a new secret key (long random string in /!


You can just run it locally for testing and whatnot:
$ (venv) export
$ (venv) flask run
Or you can run it as a daemon:

Install the included example feedfin.service systemd unit file (after making any necessary edits) somewhere sensible like /etc/systemd/system/, and fire it up. I'd suggest putting it behind a reverse proxy like nginx.


When you run it for the first time feedfin will automatically create an empty database in its directory. When you load up the site in your browser it will redirect you to the register view, where you can punch in some credentials. After that, hit up the settings to add some feeds and categories. Now hit the refresh button from any display screen for some sweet, sweet feed goodness! At this time feedfin only has support for a single user, is horribly ineffecient at uses multiprocessing.Process for downloading and parsing new articles , and doesn't even implement paging has basic paging support. But hey, it fetches your feeds!