Prepares summary statistics Z Score Files from IMPG and runs a finemapping analysis using Paintor and Caviarbf.
If you use this tool please ensure you cite the primary papers for the methods, these are listed below.
Kichaev, Gleb, et al. "Integrating functional data to prioritize causal variants in statistical fine-mapping studies." (2014): e1004722.
Chen, Wenan, et al. "Fine Mapping Causal Variants with an Approximate Bayesian Method Using Marginal Test Statistics." Genetics (2015): genetics-115.
Run the following commands to generate the files
- numpy
- scipy
- GEMINI framework
- caviarbf
- tabix
Before installation it is important you change the file fine_mapping_pipeline/config/ to either a local installation or the 1000 genomes FTP server. The {0} is replaced internall for each chromosome. The following string is an example for the EBI 1000 genomes FTP.
python install
Basically the pipeline takes a list of either rsids, or chromosome"\t"position, and a folder containing ZScores statistics that have been output using the ImpG program, or any program as long as it conforms to the output we expect.
The pipeline looks at the 1st two columns for chromosome and position, and the 5th column for the ZScore.
Example ZScore input files are found in the tests/test_data/zscores/ folder. Example RSID file for the Zscores is found in the tests/test_data/rsids.txt
To get familiar with the pipeline run the following commands on the test dataset.
First you need to prepare you ImpG data for running the pipeline.
fine_mapping_pipeline prepare -s tests/test_data/rsids.txt -z tests/test_data/zscores/ -f 25000 -b hg19 -o tests/test_output
Then follow up with either paintor and/or caviarbf with you parameters of interest, more customisation to be added soon.
Run these commands to get a feel.
fine_mapping_pipeline paintor -d tests/test_output -o tests/test_output/paintor -c 1
fine_mapping_pipeline caviarbf -d tests/test_output -o tests/test_output/caviarbf -c 1
This will place the analysis results from paintor and caviarbf in the tests/test_output/paintor and tests/test_output/caviarbf directories.
In the future, I plan to add plotting tools of the results data.
Also, currently PAINTOR uses a bonferonni correction for the number of annotations used, to restrict the number of annotations to say the genome segmentations use the argument --no-dhs to the paintor sub-command of the fine-mapping pipeline.
Tox is used to perform Unit testing of the Pipeline, make sure it is installed and accessible on your command-line.
or alteratively you can use py.test directly.