Releases: theafricanboss/woocommerce-venmo
Releases · theafricanboss/woocommerce-venmo
- Added the Venmo note that defaults to 'checkout at'
- Updated Venmo note occurences in email, checkout page, and thank you page
- Added test button to settings page to see what customers see when they click the button or run the QR code
- Updated checkout icon
- Added settings links to plugins page
- Added setup plugin link to wp_die when upgrading from free to PRO plugin
- Fixed menu buttons in PRO plugin
- Send email with payment info if order is on-hold
- Fixed bootstrap CSS enqueued on menu pages
- Removed content from assets/css/checkout that was forcing 35px size on some themes
- Added height, max-height, width, max-width to force 100px in size of QR code and buttons on checkout and thank you page
- Added .paym_link class to assets/css/checkout to remove any underline from themes on the QR code or button