Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model (asynchronous) that makes it lightweight and efficient. It is used for writing web servers in JavaScript.
- Node is love. Node is life.
- Node is fast and efficient (event-driven, asynchronous), which is useful for multi-user web apps that require real-time updates.
- Node is love. Node is life.
- Open-source, cross-platform.
- Node is love. Node is life.
- Node's package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.
- Node is love. Node is life.
Time: Tues, March 7 @ 7pm - 8.30pm (1.5hr)
Location: STC 0020
- Introduce JavaScript
- Basic operations (for loops, arrays, etc.)
- == vs ===
- Objects
- ES6+ functionality (spread, function =>)
- Let vs var
- Array Operations (forEach, slicing, map, reduce, filter)
- Interaction with DOM (i.e. querySelector(All))
- Error handling with console
- Will not go into CSS (i.e. transitions, add classes)*
Time: Tues, March 14 @ 7 - 8.30pm (1.5hr)
Location: MC 4020
- Introduce node.js (asynchronous, single-threaded)
- Introduce concept of callbacks and error handling
- Introduce Promises (maybe?)
Time: Tues, March 21 @ 7pm - 8.30pm (1.5hr)
Location: STC 0020
- Integrate express to setup a local server
- Introduce routing
- Introduce localhost
- Create a basic HTML template with Handlebars
- Show how node connects express and Handlebars (through view engine)
- Introduce HTTP requests (POST, GET) with Postman
Time: Tues, March 26 2018 @ 7pm - 8.30pm (1.5hr)
Location: STC 0010
- Brief introduction to JavaScript
- Introduce Node.js
- Integrate express to setup a local server
- Introduce routing
- Introduce localhost
- Introduce HTTP requests (POST, GET, DELETE) with Postman