Jack over Steam Link
Basically this program allows you to patch Jack to the SteamLink Audio interface, this allows for example audio streaming over the network to the SteamLink
Currently there is no GUI yet, and it's purely CLI, so you're not really able to boot it via the SteamLink UI, and you need SSH enabled for this
On your host machine
git clone https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamlink-sdk
cd steamlink-sdk/examples
git clone https://github.com/the-eater/JOSLINK.git
mkdir dist
cd dist
cmake ..
make && make install
cd [steamlink rootfs]/home/apps
scp -r joslink root@[steamlink host]:/home/apps
Now on the steam link setup your jack environment e.g:
cd /home/apps/joslink;
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/apps/joslink/lib;
./bin/jackd -d netone &
# Make sure no app is running which is using the SteamLink audio
# Most likely `shell` is using it, so kill that process
./joslink &
# Run this for every channel
./bin/jack_connect system:capture_[n] JOSLINK:channel_[n]
- Create Qt front, so it can run like a real SteamLink app
- Create auto-patcher (connect channels automatically with jack capture points)
jopa-ng: very simple implementation which made using Jack very easy