This repository contains all artefacts created for the co-creative prototyping method Behaviour-Driven Prototyping (BDP).
More information about can be found from the following sources:
- Behaviour-Driven Prototyping 1.0.0. - Step-by-step guide for using this method
- Story: Partizipative Prototypisierung von Technischen Lösungsideen mittels Behaviour-Driven Prototyping
For a quick getting started it is important to print the materials and read the How-to-Play instructions.
- Print the prototyping cards
- Cut the prototyping fields into their respective shapes
- Print the How-to-Play instructions
Everyone is welcome to contribute to this method. Check out our issues tab and pick one issue out which seems fitting to you. To get changes merged into the master branch you need to create a pull request.
This method is released under an MIT License.