A guide for TGM, built with Jekyll (using a somewhat-heavily modified version of the Lanyon theme). Mainly maintained by sinefuse.
This guide is based on Lanyon (with modifications to the CSS and the template pages), which in turn is a theme for Jekyll.
Licensed under the MIT license, as Lanyon also is licensed under the same license.
Write articles on how to get the games running! While doing so, please take note that you're not allowed to link to copyrighted files under any circumstance whatsoever, I'd very much like the repository (and the website) to stay up for longer! Emulators and such are perfectly in the clear, however, as those are technically legal and do not use any copyrighted code. I would still appreciate if you would link to said emulators from their sources websites though.
Articles can be written by anybody, as this is an open-source project. I will however take responsibility of renaming files in ways that makes the main page look organized (TGM1 > TAP > Ti > Clones, alphabetically). I will also try my best and quality check most of these and give pointers on improvements (or, just improve them myself, honestly.)
If you find any bugs or problems with how the site functions as well, please do submit a PR, I'll have a look at it. I think I have most things ironed out though.
Download the repo and put its files into a folder named "tgmguide" (very important), open cmd, cd into the repo folder you have and run jekyll serve
. from here on you can edit the markdown files and preview them on localhost:4000
. Once you are done, you can run jekyll build
to make sure the site is ready to be deployed and pushed to your repo.