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Tris Forster edited this page Oct 18, 2016 · 1 revision


The MultiProcess module uses a couple of FIFOs to manage a pool of workers. It handles respawning of workers if they die, though the manager process does not currently persist queued jobs.

Note PHP is not a great language for this kind of stuff. If you are using this for anything more than a basic work pool you should consider moving to something like Twisted Python or Node which are much more suited.

Basic Usage

You create a file containing all the functions you need


function say_hello($name) {
    return "Hello {$name}";

Then you are able to create a pool and call those functions


require_once "MultiProcess.php";

$results = array();
$mp = new MultiProcessManager('my_functions.php', 4);
$results[] = $mp->defer('say_hello', 'Andy');
$results[] = $mp->defer('say_hello', 'Bob');

$dl = new DeferedList($results);



This is it at the moment. Have a look at MultiProcess.php.

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