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TERP edited this page Oct 15, 2019 · 4 revisions


Asteray was released on September 6, 2019. This game was created by Terpos with George Ebeid as the director/producer of the game.

This game is available on:


In the year 2030, the space industry has been improving continuously to the point where all the 8 planets are safe for people to live in. This is all been done by a man who is smart, easy going, and caring on the outside, but evil inside. Most people voted him to be the leader of the galaxy and he became the leader. Many changes happen in a bad way. He passed a law that people who failed will be isolated to death. That is, people will be put in the worst place possible, will not have any contact from society, and will not be given food and water. This continued on for 5 years until a certain someone decided to rebel against the leader. His journey as a one man rebellion begins with the destruction of government's resources on earth.

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