This repository provides a Vim plugin for Fortran developers. In its current version, it can be used to jump to the declaration of a variable, subroutine, function, etc. and to all its references. All related files must either be part of a Git repository or inside the current working directory.
This plugin calls fortls under the hood.
if you do not have it yet. See installation instructions here. -
Add the following lines to your
call plug#begin()
Plug 'terminationshock/fortran-vim-plugin'
call plug#end()
Re-open Vim and run
. -
Install further Python packages with
pip install GitPython fortls
. -
fortls -v
to verify that the language server is ready.
Open any Fortran file and move the cursor onto an entity name (for example, a variable or a subroutine).
Press F3
to navigate to its declaration. Press F4
to see all references.
To fetch the latest version of this plugin, run :PlugUpdate