A wrapper library for HTML Tidy in rust.
HTML Tidy corrects and cleans up HTML and XML documents by fixing markup errors and upgrading legacy code to modern standards.
This wrapper provides access to a major subset of the HTML Tidy api.
Please be aware that this lib is a pet project and therefore not thoroughly tested.
Requires the usual build tools and libtidy (>=5.2.0), for example on ubuntu install with
sudo apt install libtidy-dev
on mac with
brew install tidy-html5
# Cargo.toml
tidy = { git = "https://github.com/terminalstatic/rust-tidy", branch = "master" }
# Cargo.toml
tidy = { git = "https://github.com/terminalstatic/rust-tidy", tag = "tidy-v0.1.7" }
However the build script might not work everywhere (wrote it for ubuntu and macOS).
Current api docs can be browsed here.