Tool for search examples from tenhou replays and draw paifu.
TenhouViewer -DHash - download game;
TenhouViewer -dLog.txt - download all games from log Log.txt;
TenhouViewer -PHash - parse game;
TenhouViewer -pLog.txt - parse all games from log Log.txt;
TenhouViewer -fLog.txt - find games from log Log.txt with query:
shanten=N - find all hands started with N shanten number (0-6);
shantenmin=N - find all hands started with shanten number greater (or equal) than N (0-6);
shantenmax=N - find all hands started with shanten number less (or equal) than N (0-6);
ratingmin=N - find all players, who has rating greater (or equal) than N (1000-3000);
ratingmax=N - find all players, who has rating less (or equal) than N (1000-3000);
paymentmin=N - find all players, who receive or pay greater (or equal) than N pt (-1000000-1000000);
paymentmax=N - find all players, who receive or pay less (or equal) than N pt (-1000000-1000000);
waitmin=N - find all hands which has N or greater sides of winning waiting (1-13);
waitmax=N - find all hands which has N or less sides of winning waiting (1-13);
hanmin=N - find all hands which has han count greater (or equal) than N (1-13);
hanmax=N - find all hands which has han count less (or equal) than N (1-13);
fumin=N - find all hands which has fu count greater (or equal) than N (1-120);
fumax=N - find all hands which has fu count less (or equal) than N (1-120);
place=N - find all players, who took N place (1-4);
rank=N - find all players, who has rank N (0-20);
nickname=N - find player, who has nickname N (string);
steps=N - find all hands, who exist less (or equal) than N steps (0-60);
yaku=N,M,X - find all hands, which has N,M,X,... yaku (0-54);
wait=N,M,X - find all hands, which has at least one tile from list in waiting: N,M,X,... (0-36);
dealer - find all dealer's hands;
winner - find all completed hands;
loser - find all players (games), who dealt into ron;
players - count of players in game (3-4);
TenhouViewer -g<nickname> <fields> - graph rounds (which found by -f flag) with fields:
index - round index in list;
initshanten - shanten in start hand in round;
pay - payment in round;
tempai - is hand was tempai (1 or 0);
dealer - is hand was dealer (1 or 0);
loser - is player dealt in other hand (1 or 0);
winner - is hand completed (1 or 0);
riichi - is riichi declared (1 or 0);
concealed - is hand was concealed (1 or 0);
openedsets - amount of opened sets;
cost - cost of hand;
fu - count of minipoints in hand;
han - count of game points in hand;
step - count of steps to end in round;
balance - balance in hand (pts);
waiting - amount of tile types in waiting;
round - index of round(0=1e,1=2e,2=3e...);
players - count of players in round;
draw - round ended in draw;
draw=N - round ended in draw with reason (yao9,reach4,ron3,kan4,kaze4,nm);
TenhouViewer -G<nickname> <fields> - graph games (which found by -f flag) with fields:
index - game index in list;
rating - player rating before this game;
rank - player rank before this game (1=1ku, 10=1dan,...);
place - place in game;
result - game result with uma;
balance - balance in the end of game;
players - count of players in game;
datetime - date of game;
TenhouViewer -o<nickname> <fields> - format output results:
link - link to the round;
nickname - nickname of the player;
rating - rating of the player;
rank - rank of the player;
place - place (result) in game;
pay - player payment in round;
dealer - is player dealer;
winner - is player complete hand;
loser - is player dealt in other player's hand;
concealed - is hand concealed;
cost - cost of hand;
han - amount of game points in hand;
waiting - amount of tile types in waiting;
step - amount of player steps in round;
yaku - list of yaku;
round - current round (0-1e, 1-2e, ...);
roundindex - index of round in game;
place - player's place in game;
TenhouViewer -s<filename> - save find or graph result to specified file;
TenhouViewer -U<hash> <params> - get paifu:
dir - directory to save result (for all rounds);
filename - filename to save result (for specified round, without extension);
round - round index (from 0);
TenhouViewer -u <params> - get paifu for all rounds, which was found before:
dir - directory to save result (for all rounds);
- Download replays from log copied from tenhou application:
TenhouViewer -dlog.txt
Example of log.txt:
00:00 | 05 | 三鳳南喰赤- | <a href="">牌譜</a> | Ixy0411(+76.0) ゆかこき(-5.0) garu47(-71.0)<br>
00:00 | 19 | 四鳳南喰赤- | <a href="">牌譜</a> | ヤキン(+50.0) ツレオ(+12.0) ♪ウサギ♪(-18.0) wadopro(-44.0)<br>
00:03 | 20 | 四鳳東喰赤- | <a href="">牌譜</a> | ケロンパス(+44.0) (∩・ω・)∩(+6.0) evacania(-15.0) 3pがツモれない(-35.0)<br>
00:03 | 25 | 四鳳南喰赤- | <a href="">牌譜</a> | chubu74(+65.0) いい笑顔(+12.0) 竹田誠志(-23.0) ROLLY(-54.0)<br>
Prepare all replays for search and other actions:
TenhouViewer -plog.txt
Search rounds and players with such conditions: minimal payment to winner, player is winner, player is dealer. In output file dealermangan.txt save: tenhou replay link to specified round from specified user's pov, user's nickname, hand's cost, hand's waiting and hand's yaku.
TenhouViewer -flog.txt winner paymentmin=12000 dealer -o link nickname cost waiting yaku -sdealermangan.txt
Example of output: うさぷー 12000 0 Riichi Ippatsu Menzen Tsumo Pinfu Dora Simoon 12000 0 Menzen Tsumo Pinfu Itsuu Dora Aka-dora 西村雄一郎 12000 2 Riichi Menzen Tsumo Pinfu Ippeiko Tanyao ロジカルさん 12000 4 Riichi Dora Ura-dora いちごポッキー 18000 0 Riichi Ippatsu Itsuu Dora
Search rounds and players with such conditions: minimal payment to winner, player is winner, player is dealer. Output rounds as paifu in directory 'dealermangan'
TenhouViewer -flog.txt winner dealer paymentmin=12000 -u dir=dealermangan