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Tenekon.Coroutines NuGet Discord

Write C# async-await coroutines in a Redux-Saga fashion and let them behave like JavaScript generators

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Tenekon.Coroutines key facts on a glance

  • 100% compatible to Task/ValueTask
    • Almost as fast as ValueTask
  • Async iterators: make coroutines iterable
    • Each suspension point allows to clone the async iterator
  • Fully AOT-compatible
  • Highly extendible via new yielders and/or custom coroutine context
  • Child coroutines inherit context of their parents: reduce explicit dependency injection


Minimum requirements

  • Target framework that at least supports NET Standard 2.1 or .NET 6.0

Package Manager

Install-Package Tenekon.Coroutines -Version <type version here>


dotnet add package Tenekon.Coroutines --version <type version here>

Quick start guide

Simple Coroutine

using static Tenekon.Coroutines.Yielders;

await Coroutine.Start(async () => {
  await Call(Console.WriteLine, "Hello world");

// or

await Func<Coroutine>(async () => {
  await Call(Console.WriteLine, "Hello world");

// Outputs:
// Hello world

Simple AsyncIterator

using static Tenekon.Coroutines.Yielders;
using static Tenekon.Coroutines.Yielders.Arguments;

var iterator = AsyncIterator.Create(async () => {
  await Call(Console.WriteLine, "Hello world");

while (await iterator.MoveNextAsync()) {
  if (iterator.CurrentKey == CallKey) {

// Outputs:
// Hello world

Advanced AsyncIterator

using static Tenekon.Coroutines.Yielders;
using static Tenekon.Coroutines.Yielders.Arguments;

var iterator = AsyncIterator.Create(async () => {
  await Call(Console.WriteLine, "Hello world");

while (await iterator.MoveNextAsync()) {
  if (iterator.CurrentKey == CallKey) {
    iterator.Current = new CallArgument<string>(Console.WriteLine, "Hello iterator")

// Outputs:
// Hello world
// Hello iterator

Advanced AsyncIterator

using static Tenekon.Coroutines.Iterator.Yielders;
using static Tenekon.Coroutines.Iterator.Yielders.Arguments;

var iterator = AsyncIterator.Create(async () => {
  Console.WriteLine(await Exchange("Hello world"));

while (await iterator.MoveNextAsync()) {
  if (iterator.CurrentKey == ExchangeKey) {
    iterator.YieldReturn("Hello iterator");

// Outputs:
// Hello world
// Hello iterator

Quick references

Yielders are the equivalent to effects in Redux-Saga.

In the following are all available Yielders classes and their contained yielders listed.

We recommend to make use of using static, e.g. using static Tenekon.Coroutines.Yielders.



The Call yielder is the equivalent to the call effect in Redux-Saga.

Use it to instruct the coroutine to suspend and invoke provider with optional closure. The coroutine resumes as soon as provider completed.

Yielder Signature
Call Coroutine Call(Func<Coroutine> provider)
Call Coroutine Call<TClosure>(Func<TClosure, Coroutine> provider, TClosure closure)
Call Coroutine<TResult> Call<TResult>(Func<Coroutine<TResult>> provider)
Call Coroutine<TResult> Call<TClosure, TResult>(Func<TClosure, Coroutine<TResult>> provider, TClosure closure)


The Launch yielder is the equivalent to the fork effect in Redux-Saga.

Use it to instruct the coroutine to suspend and invoke provider with optional closure. The coroutine resumes immediatelly, but in case coroutine returns before provider finished it will suspend as long as provider won't have completed.

Yielder Signature
Launch Coroutine<CoroutineAwaitable> Launch(Func<Coroutine> provider)
Launch Coroutine<CoroutineAwaitable> Launch<TClosure>(Func<TClosure, Coroutine> provider, TClosure closure)
Launch Coroutine<CoroutineAwaitable<TResult>> Launch<TResult>(Func<Coroutine<TResult>> provider)
Launch Coroutine<CoroutineAwaitable<TResult>> Launch<TClosure, TResult>(Func<TClosure, Coroutine<TResult>> provider, TClosure closure)


The Spawn yielder is the equivalent to the spawn effect in Redux-Saga.

Use it to instruct the coroutine to suspend and invoke provider with optional closure. The coroutine resumes immediatelly, but in case coroutine returns before provider finished it will just return and provider will just continue to operate independently.

Yielder Signature
Spawn Coroutine<CoroutineAwaitable> Spawn(Func<Coroutine> provider)
Spawn Coroutine<CoroutineAwaitable> Spawn<TClosure>(Func<TClosure, Coroutine> provider, TClosure closure)
Spawn Coroutine<CoroutineAwaitable<TResult>> Spawn<TResult>(Func<Coroutine<TResult>> provider)
Spawn Coroutine<CoroutineAwaitable<TResult>> Spawn<TClosure, TResult>(Func<TClosure, Coroutine<TResult>> provider, TClosure closure)


Use Throw to instruct the coroutine to suspend and let the coroutine throw exception. The coroutine resumes immediatelly and throws excpetion.

Yielder Signature
Throw Coroutine Throw(Exception exception)


Use WithContext to instruct the coroutine to suspend and invoke provider with additiveContext and optional closure.

Yielder Signature
WithContext Coroutine WithContext(CoroutineContext additiveContext, Func<Coroutine> provider)
WithContext Coroutine WithContext<TClosure>(CoroutineContext additiveContext, Func<TClosure, Coroutine> provider, TClosure closure)
WithContext Coroutine<TResult> WithContext<TResult>(CoroutineContext additiveContext, Func<Coroutine<TResult>> provider)
WithContext Coroutine<TResult> WithContext<TClosure, TResult>(CoroutineContext additiveContext, Func<TClosure, Coroutine<TResult>> provider, TClosure closure)


Use Yield to instruct the coroutine to suspend and resume immediatelly. In the underlying is Task.Yield() used.

Yielder Signature
Yield Coroutine Coroutine Yield()


Use YieldReturn to instruct the coroutine to suspend and resume immediatelly. Allows the coroutine middleware to get the hands on value.

Yielder Signature
YieldReturn Coroutine YieldReturn<T>(T value)


Use Exchange to instruct the coroutine to suspend and resume immediatelly. Allows the coroutine middleware to get the hands on value and exchange it.

Yielder Signature
Exchange Coroutine<T> Exchange<T>(T value)


Async-Await Coroutines: Unifying async function* and Redux-Saga in C#







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