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Performance statistics

Alexander Krizhanovsky edited this page Jun 16, 2024 · 6 revisions

Performance Statistics

TempestaFW has a set of performance statistics counters that show various aspects of TempestaFW operation. The counters and their values are self-explanatory. Performance statistics can be shown when TempestaFW is loaded and running.

Below is an example of the command to show the statistics, and the output:

$ cat /proc/tempesta/perfstat
SS pfl hits                             : 5836412
SS pfl misses                           : 5836412
Cache hits                              : 0
Cache misses                            : 0
Client messages received                : 2918206
Client messages forwarded               : 2918206
Client messages served from cache       : 0
Client messages parsing errors          : 0
Client messages filtered out            : 0
Client messages other errors            : 0
Clients online                          : 0
Client connection attempts              : 2048
Client established connections          : 2048
Client connections active               : 0
Client RX bytes                         : 309329836
Server messages received                : 2918206
Server messages forwarded               : 2918206
Server messages parsing errors          : 0
Server messages filtered out            : 0
Server messages other errors            : 0
Server connection attempts              : 8896
Server established connections          : 8896
Server connections active               : 32
Server connections schedulable          : 32
Server RX bytes                         : 11494813434
Server successful TLS handshakes        : 1012
Server failed TLS handshakes            : 12
Tempesta health statistics:
        HTTP '404' code : 2
        HTTP '5' code   : 3

Note that no-cache requests aren't represented neither in Cache hits nor in Cache misses since Tempesta FW doesn't check the cache for such requests.

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