This script can check Gitlab Scheduled Pipelines and its jobs for errors. Additionally it can check if the pipeline and jobs are stuck in pending state (with --pending-timeout). It can also check if a Pipeline's last execution happened longer than a specified amount of time (--last-run).
usage: Check Gitlab Scheduler [-h] [-u GITLAB_URL] [-p PROJECT_ID] [-s SCHEDULER_ID] [-t TOKEN] [-o PENDING_TIMEOUT] [-l LAST_RUN]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u GITLAB_URL, --gitlab_url GITLAB_URL
-p PROJECT_ID, --projectid PROJECT_ID
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
check the pipeline itself and the jobs in the pipeline if they are in pending for pending_timeout seconds
-l LAST_RUN, --last-run LAST_RUN
check if the last pipeline was ran for more then last_run seconds
Copyright 2023 Telekom MMS GmbH
This code is licensed under GPLv3.
- Christopher Grau
- Sebastian Gumprich
- Julian Mühmelt