如有问题可通过QQ 932256355 或者邮件 tekintian@gmail.com 联系获取技术支持或者奖励领取帮助。
登录 https://claim.fluence.network 查询是否有领取资格
This repo allows one to generate a proof signature for Fluence dev reward claiming.
Beware of scam emails, asking you to generate proofs for someone! See #98.
The methods for generating signature are described below:
Build docker image
docker build -t dev-reward-script .
If your ssh keys are in ~/.ssh, run the script:
docker run -it --rm --network none -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro dev-reward-script
If your ssh keys are in other directories, replace {dir_path_for_your_ssh_keys} with your directory path:
docker run -it --rm --network none -v /{dir_path_for_your_ssh_keys}:/root/.ssh:ro dev-reward-script
Install dependencies
Run the script
Install python
Install dependencies
python3 -m venv claim-venv
source claim-venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r python/requirements.txt
Run the script
python3 python/proof.py
Enter the
directorycd web
Download the metadata.json file
curl https://fluence-dao.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/metadata.json > metadata.json
Spin up an HTTP server
python3 -m http.server
in your browser and follow the instructions
Also check out paranoid instruction in case you have any security concerns regarding the methods above.