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A polyfill for IE8

How can I get it?

IE8-EventListener is available through npm and can be installed with the following command:

npm install ie8-eventlistener

What is it?

IE8-EventListener strives to add full addEventListener compliance to IE8. Specifically:

  • Listeners are executed in the order in which they were added
  • Modifying the event object in one listener does not affect the event object in other listeners
  • Events not present on window in IE8, but that are supported on document are put on the document but triggered with the window context
  • localStorage Storage Events will appear propery in IE8 with the key, newValue, and oldValue properties correctly set as long as window['ie8-eventlistener/storage'].setItem is used instead of window.localStorage.setItem. Currently does not support the storageArea and url properties of Storage Events, but those are rarely used.

Why does it exist?

I wanted to try to support Storage Events for use in, and after scouring the web for polyfills was unable to find one which worked correctly. Using the excellent Financial Times polyfill project as a basis, I added support for Storage Events, and brought the behavior of event listeners closer to the spec.



Because this is based on Johnathan Neal's and the Financial Times, this version is released under the CC0 1.0 Universal License