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Simple Scheme compiler. Trying to mostly mimic R5RS.


This repository contains the code for my bachelor thesis about a simple compiler for Scheme. The compiler is written in Haskell and makes a lot use of Algebraic Data Types for representing the AST in memory.

It depends on the scheme runtime I have written:

The compiler uses multiple phases to break the code down into a core language which is easy to compile into LLVM IR:

  1. Parse S-Expressions: Parses the scheme code into generic symbolic expressions. Symbolic expressions are just expressions in polish notation, so I represent them like that in form of arbitrary deep nested lists. Can be found under: src/Sexp/Parser.hs.
  2. Expand Macros: Next I expand Macros. Note that macros as defined in R5RS are not as sophisticated as they are today in the most used LISPs.
  3. Parse into AST: Parses the macro expanded symbolic expressions into an AST which allows to identify all the relevant expressions like function application or function definition. Can be found under: src/Parser/ScSyn.hs
  4. Toplevel Transformation: Removes all toplevel declarations of functions and variables. Uses a recursive let-binding to bind them into a single expressions which is further simplified in the next steps. Can be found under src/Phases/Toplevel.hs
  5. Simplication: Simplifes certain scheme expressions. Can be found under src/Phases/Simplify.hs
  6. Mutation Removal: Removes all the places where variables are mutated by instead wrapping these variables in a one element vector. Can be found under src/Phases/Assignment.hs
  7. Administrative Normal Form: Converts code into ANF. Can be found under src/Phases/ANF.hs
  8. Continuation Passing Style: Converts code into CPS. Can be found under src/Phases/CPS.hs
  9. Unification of functions and function application: Removes all uses of apply by enforcing all functions to expect a single list as an argument. Can be found src/Phases/Unify.hs
  10. Closure Conversion: Use Closure Conversion to eliminate all free variables. Can be found under src/Phases/Closure.hs
  11. Code Generation: Emits LLVM IR for the current AST. At this phase the core language consists of: literals, let-forms and variable access, if-expressions and function application. Function application differs between calling primitive functions and calling self-declared functions. Can be found under: src/Phases/Codegen.hs


To run the compiler, make sure that nix is installed. Then first clone this repo:

git clone && cd Schemer

After that you can run:

nix-shell && stack run -- -v

Which will throw you into a repl with verbose output enabled.