Cosmos คือระบบ Administrator ที่ถูกสร้างขี้นมาโดยใช้ Codeigniter Framework ร่วมกับ Coreui เพื่อเตรียมพัฒนาระบบ Website หรือ Web Application ต่อไป โดยชุดของ Cosmos ได้ทำการเตรียม ส่วนงานที่สำคัญๆไว้ให้แล้วทั้ง
- User Management
- Media Management
Cosmos is a PHP administrator starter template for develop new software
- An admin interface for your PHP application
- An easy way to management user for your application
- A media manager for your files
- Create Form Codeigniter Framework 3
Cosmos is simply an admin for your PHP application. Whatever you want your app to do on the front-end is completely up to you. You are in control of your application and you can use Cosmos to make your life easier by adding data, editing users, and many other administrative tasks.
With COSMOS you can create any kind of application your desires. COSMOS are simply tools to make it easier to start build.
- font-awesome 4.7.0
- simple-line-icons 2.4.0
- datatable js
1.PHP 5.6 or newer is recommended 2.MySQL (5.1+) via the mysql (deprecated), mysqli and pdo drivers
1.EP 1 Start Setup and Create Template
Link ::
2.EP 2 Create Register Page save email and password to database