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Setup Gieß den Kiez

Attention: Setting up Gieß den Kiez requires software development expertise. We offer various level of help in setting up the project, for more information visit:

The following setup was tested on this environment:

Step 1: Setup with demo trees in Berlin

After executing the following steps, you will have a working demo version of Gieß den Kiez (Berlin) running locally.

  • Open terminal
  • Create empty directory mkdir gdk-setup && cd gdk-setup
  • Clone all relevant GdK repositories:
    • Frontend: git clone
    • Backend / Database: git clone
    • DWD Harvester: git clone
    • Pumpen Harvester: git clone
  • Prepare database and API (Supabase setup):
    • Change directory to giessdenkiez-de-postgres-api repository, make sure you have checked out the master branch
    • nvm install && nvm use
    • npm ci
    • cp .env.example .env
    • Load the .env file: direnv allow
    • npx supabase start which will start a local Supabase instance
    • Now the Postgres database (and all other Supabase services) are running locally in Docker containers
    • To see all local Supabase credentials and tokens, use npx supabase status
  • Generate the Mapbox tileset including rain data:
    • Create a Mapbox account (
    • Create a Mapbox access token ( for the backend with permissions to create, upload and modify tilesets (refer to
    • Create a Mapbox access token ( for the frontend (refer to, add http://localhost:5173 to the list of allowed domains for this Frontend access token at
    • Remember your Mapbox account name for later use
    • Change directory to giessdenkiez-de-dwd-harvester/harvester
    • cp sample.env .env
    • Adapt the .env file:
      • Change MAPBOXUSERNAME value to your Mapbox account (= user) name
      • Change MAPBOXTOKEN value to the previously created Mapbox access token for the backend (with tileset permissions)
      • Change SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE value to your local Supabase service role key
      • Load the .env file: direnv allow
    • Create a Python virtual environment:
      • python3 -m venv venv
      • source venv/bin/activate
    • Install Python dependencies inside the activated virtual environment:
    • Run preparation steps:
      • cd giessdenkiez-de-dwd-harvester/harvester/prepare
      • SHAPE_RESTORE_SHX=YES python
      • python
    • Run the actual script (harvests DWD rain data for last 30 days, generates Mapbox tileset):
      • cd giessdenkiez-de-dwd-harvester/harvester/
      • python src/ This may take ~30 minutes or more!
      • Go to and verify that the tileset with name <your_mapbox_layer_name> is present
  • Run the script for harvesting historical weather data via BrightSky API:
    • python src/ This may take several minutes!
    • Verify that the daily_weather_data table in your database is populated
  • Create the water pumps GeoJson file:
  • Download the Geojson file for Berlin districts:
  • Change directory to giessdenkiez-de-postgres-api/supabase to start the Supabase Edge functions
    • cp .env.sample .env and change the variables:
      • PUMPS_URL=<url_to_your_pumps_file> set value to the URL of your pumps file
    • Run supabase functions serve --env-file supabase/.env in giessdenkiez-de-postgres-api directory
  • Setup the Frontend:
    • Change directory to giessdenkiez-de repository
    • nvm install && nvm use
    • npm ci
    • cp .env.sample .env
    • direnv allow
    • npm run dev
    • Open http://localhost:5173/ in the browser, you will see an eternal loading screen indicating that trees are loading. In the browser console, you will see many errors. This is expected, continue with the next setup steps.
    • Prepare the correct values in the .env file:
      • VITE_MAPBOX_API_KEY=<your-mapbox-api-key> set to your Mapbox Frontend access token
      • VITE_MAPBOX_TREES_TILESET_URL=<your-trees-tileset-url> set to the Mapbox tileset URL, e.g. VITE_MAPBOX_TREES_TILESET_URL=mapbox://<account_name>.<tileset_id> use your Mapbox account name and tileset ID.
      • VITE_MAP_PUMPS_SOURCE_URL=<your-pumps-source-url> the URL to your pumps.geojson file, as previously uploaded
      • VITE_BEZIRKE_URL=<your_bezirke_geojson_url> set to the URL of the previously generated and uploaded GeoJson file of the districts
    • direnv allow to reload the environment
    • npm run dev to reload the App
    • Open http://localhost:5173/map?treeId=00008100%3A001f2573 in the browser, you should see a map zoomed to a specific tree. 🎉

Step 2: Adapt to your city

After executing the following steps, you will have a working version of Gieß den Kiez (for your own city) running locally.

  • In the giessdenkiez-de-postgres-api directory, do the following:
    • Connect to your local Gieß den Kiez database and delete all rows in all tables in the public scheme
      • either manually
      • or by removing the seed.sql file in the giessdenkiez-de-postgres-api/supabase directory and restarting Supabase via npx supabase stop --no-backup and npx supabase start and npx supabase db reset
      • Add a row with collection_date set to todays date in table radolan_harvester (all other columns NULL).
    • 🚨 Attention, important manual step: Obtain a dataset of trees for your own city.
      • Manually insert it into the trees table of the database.
      • Make sure to follow the schema of the trees table, you need the following columns: id, lat, lng, art_dtsch, gattung_deutsch, pflanzjahr, bezirk, geom. All other columns are either ignored or populated automatically by some upcoming steps.
      • The geom column must be in the format: SRID=4326;POINT(13.44828414775829 52.44315190724164)
      • Only proceed after verifying that you have succesfully imported all trees into the database table.
    • 🚨 Attention, important manual step:
      • In giessdenkiez-de-postgres-api/supabase/functions/gdk_stats/index.ts, change the hardcoded values MOST_FREQUENT_TREE_SPECIES and TREE_COUNT to fit your city trees.
  • In the giessdenkiez-de-dwd-harvester directory, do the following:
    • 🚨 Attention, important manual step: Obtain a Shapefile of your city which outlines the geographical city borders.
    • One source for obtaining the shapefile could be the Geofabrik Portal. The Shapefile your_city.shp comes with a project file your_project.proj. Save both files in the giessdenkiez-de-dwd-harvester/harvester/assets directory.
    • 🚨 Attention, important manual step: In the file giessdenkiez-de-dwd-harvester/harvester/prepare/ file, change line 5 to fit the Shapefile of your city: berlin = geopandas.read_file("../assets/your_city.shp").
    • Change directory to giessdenkiez-de-dwd-harvester/harvester/prepare
      • Run SHAPE_RESTORE_SHX=YES python to re-generate the Shapefile buffers.
      • Run python to re-populate the radolan_geometry table in the database.
    • Change directory to giessdenkiez-de-dwd-harvester/harvester
      • Edit the .env file:
        • MAPBOXTILESET=your_city_tileset change value to a choice that fits your city, e.g. your_city_tileset
        • MAPBOXLAYERNAME=your_city_layer change value to a choice that fits your city, e.g. your_city_layer
        • SURROUNDING_SHAPE_FILE=./assets/your_city_shapefile.shp change value to the path of your citys shapefile
        • WEATHER_HARVEST_LAT=52.520008 change value to the latitude of your city center
        • WEATHER_HARVEST_LNG=13.404954 change value to the longitude of your city center
      • Reload the .env file: direnv allow
      • Run python src/ This may take ~30 minutes or more!
      • Go to and verify that the new Mapbox tileset is present
      • Run python src/ This may take several minutes!
      • Verify that the hourly_weather_data table is populated
  • Back in the giessdenkiez-de directory, do the following:
    • Change values in the .env:
      • VITE_MAP_CENTER_LNG=13.388836926491992 change the value to the longitude of the center of your city
      • VITE_MAP_CENTER_LAT=52.494590307846366 change the value to the latitude of the center of your city
      • VITE_MAP_BOUNDING_BOX=13.0824446341071,52.3281202651866,13.7682544186827,52.681600197973 change the value to the top left and bottom right corner coordinates of your city
      • VITE_MAPBOX_TREES_TILESET_URL change value to point to the newly created Mapbox layer containing the trees of your city
    • Reload the .env file: direnv allow
    • Restart the App: npm run dev
    • Visit http://localhost:5173 in the browser, you should see a map with the trees of your city. 🎉

Step 3: Deploy and automate

After executing the following steps, you will have a working version of Gieß den Kiez (for your own city) deployed and automated.

Disclaimer: This is the stack we are using for production. You are free to choose the technology by yourself.

  • Create accounts for the following services:
  • Fork the repositories into your organization:
    • Frontend: technologiestiftung/giessdenkiez-de.git
    • Backend / Database: technologiestiftung/giessdenkiez-de-postgres-api.git
    • DWD Harvester: technologiestiftung/giessdenkiez-de-dwd-harvester.git
    • Pumpen Harvester: technologiestiftung/giessdenkiez-de-osm-pumpen-harvester.git
  • Deploy Database / API:
    • Create a Supabase account at and create a new project. Save project ID and database password for later use.
    • In your own forked giessdenkiez-de-postgres-api repository, go to Settings -> Environments and create an environment, e.g. "production"
    • Set environment secrets:
      • DB_PASSWORD set value to the database password which you entered when creating the Supabase project
      • PROJECT_ID set value to the project ID of your newly created Supabase project
      • SUPABASE_ACCESS_TOKEN Your personal Supabase access token
    • Make use of Github Actions to deploy the Supabase configuration to production:
      • refer to the Github Actions template in giessdenkiez-de-postgres-api/.github/workflows/deploy-to-supabase-production.yml
      • adapt this Github Action to your needs and run it, on each run it will deploy the Supabase migrations and functions to your Supabase production instance
  • Deploy Mapbox Tileset:
    • Create a Mapbox account at which hosts your tilesets (if not done already)
    • In your own forked giessdenkiez-de repository, go to Settings -> Environments and crate an environment, e.g. "production"
    • Set environment variables accordingly
      • PG_SERVER=...
      • PG_PORT=...
      • PG_USER=...
      • PG_PASS=...
      • PG_DB=...
      • SUPABASE_URL=...
      • OUTPUT=...
      • LOGGING=...
      • MAPBOXTOKEN=...
      • SKIP_MAPBOX=...
      • LIMIT_DAYS=...
    • make use of Github Actions to run the Github Actions of the giessdenkiez-de-dwd-harvester
      • refer to the Github Actions template in giessdenkiez-de/.github/workflows/rain.yml
      • make sure to setup all environment variables correctly
      • adapt this Github Action to your needs and run it, on each run it will generate the Mapbox tileset and popuplate the daily_weather_data table in the database
  • Upload the Pumps file:
    • make use of Github Actions to run the Github Actions of the giessdenkiez-de-pumpen-harvester
    • make sure to setup the environment variables:
      • SUPABASE_URL=...
    • refer to the Github Actions template in giessdenkiez-de/.github/workflows/pumps.yml
    • make sure to setup all environment variables correctly
    • adapt this Github Action to your needs and run it, on each run it will generate and upload the pumps file to your Supabase
  • Upload the districts Geojson:
    • This step is not yet automated. Follow instructions in Step 1 and Step 2 to download the districts geojson and upload it to your Supabase instance.
  • Deploy the Frontend:
    • Create a Vercel account at for hosting the Frontend
    • Connect to your own forked giessdenkiez-de repository
    • Use Vite as framework preset
    • Set all environment variables:
    • Follow the Vercel instructions to deploy the Frontend
    • Add the Vercel domain or your custom domain to the list of allowed domains for your Mapbox access token at
  • Schedule CRON jobs to regularly update the Mapbox Tileset and Pumps
    • Create a Pipedream account at
    • Schedule a CRON job (workflow) that regularly (every day at 01:00 AM) invokes the Github actions:
      • giessdenkiez-de/.github/workflows/pumps.yml and
      • giessdenkiez-de/.github/workflows/rain.yml
    • This ensures that:
      • the rain and watering data inside the Mapbox tileset is always up-to-date and
      • the pumps file is up to date

Step 4: Regular maintenance

  • In regular intervals, check if the districts GeoJson file of your city needs an update (this is handled manually)
  • Monitor the Github Actions, especially the ones that are triggered daily by Pipedream workflows (pumps.yml and rain.yml)
    • make sure they are working as expected
    • in case of failures, the rain and watering data of the trees in the Mapbox layer might not be in sync with the database
  • Whenever trees change in your city, make sure to manually update the trees table in the database
    • In case of changes, also update the hardcoded values MOST_FREQUENT_TREE_SPECIES and TREE_COUNT in giessdenkiez-de-postgres-api/supabase/functions/gdk_stats/index.ts to fit your new tree situation
  • Sync your fork with our upstream repositories if you want to follow our latest development updates
