This is a Docker based GitHub Action to aggregate pumps data from OpenStreetMap and to store them in a geojson file. It is defined in ./action.yml
The aggregated data is used to provide locations and information about the street pumps in the frontend of Gieß den Kiez.
The Overpass API for OSM is used to retrieve the data, by fetching all nodes with tag "man_made"="water_well"
and "description"="Berliner Straßenbrunnen"
The corresponding query is defined in the script It can be overriden by providing a custom overpass query statement.
The data obtained in this way is further processed and the raw OSM data is filtered. In, all attributes are dropped that are theoretically still available in the OSM data, but which we do not need. By adding the respective attributes to the filter list, they can be included in the final data set.
- Create Python virtualenv and activate it
pip install requirements.txt
orpip install requirements-mac.txt
(if you are on MacOS)- Run
python harvester/ pumps.geojson
to generate the pumps.geojson file
Required The path where the GeoJSON file should be written to. Default "public/data/pumps.geojson"
A custom overpass query statement to retrieve pumps from OpenStreetMap. When omitted, the action will retrieve Berlin pumps.
The path to where the file was written.
The Github Action defined in this repository is built to be reusable. What you do with the generated pumps.geojson
file is up to you and depends on your specific use case.
For giessdenkiez-de, the custom Github Action defined here in ./action.yml gets used in a periodically triggered Github Action,
which is defined in giessdenkiez-de -> pumps.yml.
For this specific use case, the generated pumps.geojson
file is subsequently uploaded to a Supabase storage location. For details, refer to the Github Actions definition in giessdenkiez-de -> pumps.yml.
Reference the Github Action defined in this repository in your own Github Actions file. Use the generated pumps.geojson
in a way that fits your architecture.
File: .github/workflows/pumps.yml
# every sunday morning at 4:00
- cron: "0 4 * * 0"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: A job to aggregate pumps data from open street maps
- name: Pumps data generate step
# use tags if you want to fix on a specific version
# e.g
# uses: technologiestiftung/giessdenkiez-de-osm-pumpen-harvester@1.2.0
# use master if you like to gamble
uses: technologiestiftung/giessdenkiez-de-osm-pumpen-harvester@master
id: pumps
outfile-path: "out/pumps.geojson"
# Pass "query" argument to specify custom overpass query string (see example below for the city of Magdeburg)
# query: '[out:json][bbox:52.0124,11.4100, 52.2497,11.8330];(node["man_made"="water_well"];);out;>;out;'
# Use the output from the `pumps` step
- name: File output
run: echo "The file was written to ${{ steps.pumps.outputs.file }}"
You can use the code from this public repository in your own private repository in your own Github Actions file. Use the generated pumps.geojson
in a way that fits your architecture.
File: .github/workflows/main.yml
# * is a special character in YAML so you have to quote this string
- cron: "0 4 * * 0"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: A job to aggregate pumps data from open street maps
# To use this repository's private action,
# you must check out the repository
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Pumps data generate step
uses: ./ # Uses an action in the root directory
id: pumps
outfile-path: "out/pumps.geojson"
# Pass "query" argument to specify custom overpass query string (see example below for the city of Magdeburg)
# query: '[out:json][bbox:52.0124,11.4100, 52.2497,11.8330];(node["man_made"="water_well"];);out;>;out;'
# Use the output from the `hello` step
- name: File output
run: echo "The file was written to ${{ steps.pumps.outputs.file }}"
See also
Run the script with python3 harvester/ path/to/out/file.geojson
Build the container and run it.
mkdir out
docker build --tag technologiestiftung/giessdenkiez-de-osm-pumpen-harvester .
docker run -v $PWD/out:/scripts/out technologiestiftung/giessdenkiez-de-osm-pumpen-harvester path/scripts/out/outfile.json
pytest --cov=harvester --cov-fail-under 75 --cov-config=.coveragerc
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Fabian Morón Zirfas 💻 📖 |
Lisa-Stubert 💻 📖 |
Lucas Vogel 📖 |
Jens Winter-Hübenthal 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
A project by:
Supported by: