A simple esoteric programming language written in TypeScript, Lua and Python.
Finally! Thulium 2 is here!
Before reading this please check out Jellyscript. It's a great esolang and it will help you understand thulium 1 (version 2 is less esoteric as it is much more high-level) better.
- 18 commands,
- 5 special cells that update and do basic expressions,
- 1000 by 1000 grid,
- 1 permanent memory cell
- High-level
Thulium has 19 commands (numbered 0 - 18 or 00000 - 10010), each doing something simple and trivial but when combined, can actually have a decent function.
- mov_right -- this command moves right in the grid
- mov_left -- left in the grid
- mov_up -- up (grid)
- mov_down -- down (grid)
- spec_right -- forward in special cells
- spec_left -- backward in special cells
- print -- prints the current cell to the console (with \n)
- SP to M -- moves the current special cell value to the memory
- M to C -- moves the memory to the current cell
- C to M -- moves the current cell's value to the memory
- add -- increases the current cell's value by 1
- sub -- opposite of add
- update -- updates the special cells
- ascii_print -- prints the current cell's ascii value
- input -- takes one byte as input and stores its ascii char code
- print2 -- prints the current cell to the console (no \n)
- cond_start -- same as brainf**k's '[' (coming soon)
- cond_end -- same as brainf**k's ']' (coming soon)
- end -- Used to denote the end of a program
Commands are written line by line, one command per line.
Addition (2+3)
SP to M
M to C
Thulium 3.0.0 will be a lot more like bf and will actually have a shell. I may also add shells to versions 2 and 1.