- Add library dependency to build.sbt:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.romix.akka" %% "akka-kryo-serialization" % "0.5.1"
- Update application.conf
akka {
extensions = ["com.romix.akka.serialization.kryo.KryoSerializationExtension$"]
actor {
serializers {
kryo = "com.romix.akka.serialization.kryo.KryoSerializer"
serialization-bindings {
// classes to be serialized
"com.techmonad.service.WordCountActor$Request" = kryo,
"com.techmonad.service.WordCountActor$Response" = kryo
- Testing: Akka does not serialized messages in a same JVM(sender actor and receiver actor are on same JVM). for testing purpose just enable serialize-messages flag.
akka {
actor {
extensions = ["com.romix.akka.serialization.kryo.KryoSerializationExtension$"]
**//only for testing, don't on for prduction**
serialize-messages = on
serializers {
kryo = "com.romix.akka.serialization.kryo.KryoSerializer"
serialization-bindings {
"com.techmonad.service.WordCountActor$Request" = kryo,
"com.techmonad.service.WordCountActor$Response" = kryo
- Actor Unit test:
import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Props}
import akka.testkit.{ImplicitSender, TestKit}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Matchers, WordSpecLike}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class WordCountActorSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("WordCountActorSpec")) with ImplicitSender
with WordSpecLike with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {
import WordCountActor._
"WordCountActor " should {
" count " in {
val wordCountActor = system.actorOf(Props[WordCountActor], "wordCountActor")
wordCountActor ! Request("hello hello")
expectMsg[Response](1.seconds, Response(Map("hello" ->2)))
override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {