Fersiwn wedi'i becynnu o spacy-lookups-data gyda data lemateiddio Cymraeg.
Mae'r pecyn ar gael yma:
Yn eich amgylchedd spaCy, wedi i chi osod y ffolder lang
o https://github.com/techiaith/spacy-lang-cy:
pip install spacy_lookups_data-1.0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Caiff y feddalwedd ei ddosbarthu yma ar ffurf pecyn .whl i fodlonni amodau grant gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
Bwriadwn gyflwyno'r data hwn i'w gynnwys o fewn llyfrgelloedd swyddogol spaCy yn y dyfodol agos.
A packaged version of spacy-lookups-data with Welsh lemmatization data.
The package is available here:
In your spaCy, after copying in the lang
folder from https://github.com/techiaith/spacy-lang-cy:
pip install spacy_lookups_data-1.0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl
The software is distributed here in the form of a .whl to satisfy the requirements of a Welsh Government grant.
We plan to submit this data for inclusion in the official spaCy libraries in the near future.