Ym mis Gorffennaf 2022 ychwanegwyd 9,109 brawddeg tagiedig ychwanegol yn y ffeil brawddegau_tagiedig_cc0_covost_ltu.jsonl. Mae'r brawddegau hyn yn gyfieithiadau i'r Gymraeg gan Facebook o frawddegau Saesneg Common Voice fel rhan o CoVOST2 (https://ai.facebook.com/blog/covost-v2-expanding-the-largest-most-diverse-multilingual-speech-to-text-translation-data-set/). Yn dilyn archwiliad ieithyddol, barnwyd gan ein ieithyddion eu bod o safon digonol i'w cynnwys yma.
In July 2022, an additional 9,109 tagged sentences were added in the file brawddegau_tagiedig_cc0_covost_ltu.jsonl. These sentences are translations into Welsh by Facebook of English sentences from Common Voice which form part of of CoVOST2 (https://ai.facebook.com/blog/covost-v2-expanding-the-largest-most-diverse-multilingual -speech-to-text-translation-data-set/). Following a linguistic examination, our linguists judged that they were of a sufficient standard to be included here. They have not been used