A library for RobotFramework that extends SeleniumLibrary.
Project documentation and usage - Keyword Documentation
SeleniumProxy inherits seleniums webdriver and captures all network activity generated by the webdriver. The webdriver stores data in a class with added keywords to interact with requests and responses.
Proxy Server is launched in the background with a proxy client added to the webdriver class that adds the methods needed to interact with the proxy server at run time.
pip install robotframework-seleniumproxy
Proxy2 runs the proxy server OpenSSL
OpenSSL is required for intercepting HTTPS connections.
brew install openssl
Seleniums webdriver browser type is a class which is inherited and extended to give the webdriver the ability to create a client proxy and store the activity within the webdriver.
Robotframeworks seleniumlibrary is extended to add several keywords for creating the webdriver with the given functionality and still capable of using the keywords available
Credits of code or ideas I have used in this project.
- Log wrapper Keyword Decorator
- Packaging Automation
- Idea of Extending Selenium with Mixins to extend driver functionality