- Create own version of repository using Github Template repository
- Work on the task in separate branch
- Once you're done, create a pull request to the
branch of your repository and share it with us.
This recruitment assignment is designed to test your React knowledge and ability to complete a given task by adding new features to the "real", existing codebase. This application uses CSS-in-JS for styling and the React-context API for state management. As you start the project you will see first version of the "Rick & Morty widget" - a dead simple widget showing some basic data about characters from the show.
As a Frontend Developer, your task is to create version 2 of this very widget. You have received the Figma project file and some work including rendering Rick Sanchez's information has already been done.
Make a pixel-perfect match with new designs and pick required values from the Rick & Morty API
Integrate the "Previous" and "Next" buttons. Once clicked they should fetch and render previous (-1) or next (+1) characters from the Rick & Morty API
Integrate "Alive" / "Dead" / "unknown" variants. They should be based on the "status" field from the API
The "episodes" label value should be computed (sum) from the "episode" field from the API
...in case you wonder - yes, you can refactor everything as you wish, we want to have a product that meets the criteria but it's also well written. This sandbox is entirely yours - do your magic 🪄
- Figma project file: https://www.figma.com/file/HYf7stAEUjneRXpgG8xVL0/Rick-and-Morty-Widget
- Rick & Morty API documentation: https://rickandmortyapi.com/documentation/#rest
- EmotionJS documentation: https://emotion.sh
here are some things you can do if you feel like 😇 (but these are not obligatory). You can still impress us by doing a bare minimum 👍
- Protect the app from fetching characters ids that are out of range (non-existing) (Tip: The range of character identifiers is specified in the documentation: https://rickandmortyapi.com/documentation/#character)
- Re-using colors declarations (possibly with a constant/enum or even with "theming")
- Introduce the "loading state" as designed: https://www.figma.com/file/HYf7stAEUjneRXpgG8xVL0/Rick-and-Morty-Widget?node-id=2%3A76
- Handle possible network / API errors with the "error state" as designed: https://www.figma.com/file/HYf7stAEUjneRXpgG8xVL0/Rick-and-Morty-Widget?node-id=2%3A101
Please do not share the contents of this task publicly nor with others.
We'd love to hear your thoughts about this assignment. Feel free to submit your feedback in the FEEDBACK.md file at the root of this repository.
If you have any issues or questions feel free to contact us directly at: