Amiga Image Converter by Todi / Tulou.
A graphics converter for different Amiga bitplanes, chunky & palette formats.
Anagram phun intended...
Developed and distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
In a Unix-like environment simply make
the binary.
amigeconv <options> <input> <output>
Available options are:
-f, --format bitplane,chunky,palette,sprite Desired output file format.
-p, --palette pal8,pal4,pal32,loadrgb4,loadrgb32 Desired palette file format.
-l, --interleaved Data in output file is stored in interleaved format, only valid with bitplane output file format.
-m, --mask [inverted] Data in output file is stored as a mask, only valid with bitplane output file format.
-d, --depth 1-8 Number of bitplane saved in the output file, only valid with bitplane, sprite or chunky output file format.
-c, --colors 1-256 Number of colors saved in the output file, only valid with palette output file format.
-x, --copper Generate copper list, only valid with palette output file format.
-w, --width 16,32,64 Width, only valid with sprite output file format.
-t, --controlword Write control word, only valid with sprite output file format.
-a, --attached Attach mode sprite, only valid with sprite output file format.
-n, --piccon Use PicCon compatible color conversion for 4 bit palette, only valid with palette output file format.
amigeconv -f bitplane -d 8 font.png font.raw
amigeconv -f bitplane -m font.png font.raw
amigeconv -f chunky font.png font.chk
amigeconv -f palette -p pal8 font.png font.pal8
amigeconv -f sprite -t font.png font.spr
For Mac with Homebrew:
brew tap tditlu/amiga
brew install tditlu/amiga/amigeconv
LodePNG by Lode Vandevenne
SuperFamiconv by David Lindecrantz