Now that we support ARM64 for Linux:
- Release for ARM64
- Docker Image for ARM64.
- Send WhatsApp message via http API, docs/openapi.yml for more details
- Compress image before send
- Compress video before send
- Change OS name become your app (it's the device name when connect via mobile)
- Basic Auth (able to add multi credentials)
, or you can simplify-b=kemal:secret,toni:password,userName:secretPassword
- Customizable port and debug mode
--port 8000
--debug true
- Auto reply message
--autoreply="Don't reply this message"
- Webhook for received message
, or you can simplify-w=""
- For more command
./main --help
- Mac OS:
brew install ffmpeg
export CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW="-Xpreprocessor"
- Linux:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg
- Windows (not recomended, prefer using WSL):
- install ffmpeg, download here
- add to ffmpeg to environment variable
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- Open the folder that was cloned via cmd/terminal.
- run
cd src
- run
go run main.go
- Open
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- Open the folder that was cloned via cmd/terminal.
- run
docker-compose up -d --build
- open
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Open the folder that was cloned via cmd/terminal.
- run
cd src
- run
- Linux & MacOS:
go build -o whatsapp
- Windows (CMD / PowerShell):
go build -o whatsapp.exe
- Linux & MacOS:
- run
- Linux & MacOS:
- run
./whatsapp --help
for more detail flags
- run
- Windows:
or you can double-click it- run
.\whatsapp.exe --help
for more detail flags
- run
- Linux & MacOS:
- open
in browser
docker run --detach --publish=3000:3000 --name=whatsapp --restart=always --volume=$(docker volume create --name=whatsapp):/app/storages aldinokemal2104/go-whatsapp-web-multidevice --autoreply="Dont't reply this message please"
- download binary from release
You can fork or edit this source code !
- Api Specification Document
- You can check docs/openapi.yml for detail API or paste to SwaggerEditor.
- Furthermore you can generate HTTP Client from this API using openapi-generator
Feature | Menu | Method | URL |
✅ | Login | GET | /app/login |
❌ | Login With Pair Code | GET | /app/login-with-code |
✅ | Logout | GET | /app/logout |
✅ | Reconnect | GET | /app/reconnect |
✅ | Devices | GET | /app/devices |
✅ | User Info | GET | /user/info |
✅ | User Avatar | GET | /user/avatar |
✅ | User My Group List | GET | /user/my/groups |
✅ | User My Privacy Setting | GET | /user/my/privacy |
✅ | Send Message | POST | /send/message |
✅ | Send Image | POST | /send/image |
✅ | Send Audio | POST | /send/audio |
✅ | Send File | POST | /send/file |
✅ | Send Video | POST | /send/video |
✅ | Send Contact | POST | /send/contact |
✅ | Send Link | POST | /send/link |
✅ | Send Location | POST | /send/location |
✅ | Send Poll / Vote | POST | /send/poll |
✅ | Revoke Message | POST | /message/:message_id/revoke |
✅ | React Message | POST | /message/:message_id/reaction |
✅ | Delete Message | POST | /message/:message_id/delete |
✅ | Edit Message | POST | /message/:message_id/update |
❌ | Star message | POST | /message/:message_id/star |
✅ | Join Group With Link | POST | /group/join-with-link |
✅ | Leave Group | POST | /group/leave |
✅ | Create Group | POST | /group |
✅ | Add Participants in Group | POST | /group/participants |
✅ | Remove Participant in Group | POST | /group/participants/remove |
✅ | Promote Participant in Group | POST | /group/participants/promote |
✅ | Demote Participant in Group | POST | /group/participants/demote |
✅ = Available
❌ = Not Available Yet
- Homepage
- Login
- Send Message
- Send Image
- Send File
- Send Video
- Send Contact
- Send Location
- Send Audio
- Send Poll
- Revoke Message
- Delete Message
- Reaction Message
- Edit Message
- User Info
- User Avatar
- My Privacy
- My Group
- Auto Reply
- Basic Auth Prompt
- Please do this if you have an error (invalid flag in pkg-config --cflags: -Xpreprocessor)
export CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW="-Xpreprocessor"