A Zabbix template for CassandraDB (cluster) monitoring
Based on nagios checks and harisekhon's github repo
Tested on: CentOs 6.x x86_64 Zabbix 2.0.x CassandraDB 1.2.x
next values can be added over JMX util: bash-4.1# java -jar ./cmdline-jmxclient-0.10.3.jar - java.lang:type=Runtime Uptime
and JMX items is: org.apache.cassandra.request:type=* org.apache.cassandra.internal:type=* org.apache.cassandra.db:type=*
- Patrik Majer p.majer@tcpisek.cz (patrik.majer.pisek@gmail.com)
(* install a configure zabbix-agent)
copy file "zabbix-cassandraDB.conf" into your zabbix-agent include folder
copy script "cassandra.pl" into script folder (/root/scripts) source: http://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/Java-Applications-and-Servers/Check-Cassandra-status-and-heap-memory-utilization/details
copy script "check_cassandra_nodes.pl" and "check_cassandra_nodes.pl" into script folder (/root/scripts) source: https://github.com/harisekhon/nagios-plugins
install perl JSON module (cpan JSON)
copy perl modules: Cassandra.pm, HariSekhonUtils.pm, Nodetool.pm source: https://github.com/harisekhon/lib/tree/master/HariSekhon
reboot zabbix-agent service
import xml file into your zabbix server
Info - Host ID
Info - Uptime
Info - Native Transport Active
Info - Exceptions
Info - Thrift Active
Info - Gossip Active
Info - Heap Memory (Used)
Info - Main Status Text
Info - Main Status
Status - Nodes global status
Status - Nodes ALL (text)
Status - Nodes Down (count)
Status - Nodes Up (count)
TPstats - global status
TPstats - ReadStage Active
TPstats - ReadStage Pending
TPstats - ReadStage All time blocked
TPstats - ReadStage Blocked
TPstats - ReadStage Completed
CassandraDB - found down nodes on {HOST.NAME} (High)
CassandraDB - Gossip state active is not "true" (Not classified)
CassandraDB - Heap Memory usage is >85% (Warning)
CassandraDB - Heap Memory usage is >95% (Average)
CassandraDB - low nodes on {HOST.NAME} (Average)
CassandraDB - Main Status is "PROBLEM" on {HOST.NAME} (High)
CassandraDB - Nodes global status is not "OK" on {HOST.NAME} (Average)
CassandraDB - Thrift state active is not "true" (Not classified)
CassandraDB - TPstats is not "OK" on {HOST.NAME} (Average)
CassandraDB - Host ID was changed on {HOST.NAME} (Information)
CassandraDB - server was rebooted on {HOST.NAME} (Information)