TidyTuesday repository for exploration of R packages to make more aesthetic plots
I have done alot of testing of different packages and types of plots scattered within multiple scripts and my R repositoy; this allows the opportuntiy to bring this together in one place and enable easy access to specific types ot plots and techniques which aren't easily searchable.
Furthermore, I have created a shiny app in the shinyApp folder to test how each visual looks within shiny, how they can be made interactive and to make thes eplots mroe accessible to other users.
- 01 - stacked bar chart with simple css styling utilising ggtext
- 02 - lollipop and bar chart utilising ggflags and ggimage packages
- 03 - bump plot highlighting top ranked countries, combined with patchwork to create a facet plot
- 04 - dual stacked bar plot, utilising ggiraph for interactive visual utilising data_id
- 05 - patchwork combined chart with, ggimage, ggalt and ggtext packages to create custom visualisation