The tcmj pug enums project is a toolkit to create high quality java enum classes from several datasources like html pages or json data. A highlight of the project is our maven plugin which allows you to create a java enum class simply by configuration.
- Wiki:
An example use-case is to have a actual version of all iso-3166 countries ready in the form of a java enum. This data has been fetched live from wikipedia: Input data:
Automagically created an java enum class containing 249 countries with no single line of java code - just configuration of the maven plugin
- Public API interfaces of the framework and model classes including a fluent version.
- Implementing this interfaces you can create your very own
- datasources, exporters, enum classbuilders, naming strategies, source formatters..
- Various implementations to load data from (Web pages, Json sources, CSV, ...).
- ClassBuilder implementations used to create the java source code files. At the moment we have a
- plain StringBuilder version, a JavaPoet version and a CodeModel variant
- Export your data to file or compile directly to a class loader or simply report it to console (log)
- Amazing maven plugin which can be used to configure all things in a maven like style to get your enum ready!
Here you can grab the dependency configuration:
You're welcome!