A class at SFPC Fall 2019
Teacher: Taeyoon Choi
5 Sessions, 3 hour classes
drawing drawing is a class about visual storytelling and the joy of drawing. The class is inspired by Shantell Martin's class "Drawing on Everything." Drawing is a fundamental human act of mark making. How can we take drawing to the next level? Can we introduce the concept of time and space into drawing? Can we tell stories by drawing? Can we perform drawing?
Inspirations: Rene Daniels, Louise Bourgeois
Class: We will draw from observation.
- Lines and forms
- Flowers and fruits
- Lights and perspectives
Materials: Charcoal on paper, no eraser.
Homework: Draw a still life from your bedroom.
Class: We will draw outside.
- Making marks and noticing textures
- Depicting scales and movement
Materials: pencil and sketchpad
Homework: Draw a landscape of WestBeth and SFPC courtyard from unconventional perspecives. Be creative about getting the perspective.
Class: We will draw each other.
- Forms and Mass
- Factial features and outline
- Expressions and movement
Materials: pencil and sketchpad, hand mirrors.
Homework: Draw a portrait of your classmate and a self portrait.
We will draw a comic strip.
- Character development
- Plot
- Text and lettering
Materials: Ink, brush and sketchpad.
Homework: Draw a 4 scene comic depicting a day in life at SFPC.
We will make a storybook based on our own narrative.
- Context and background
- Layout
- Visual storytelling
Materials: Ink, brush and sketchpad.
Homework: Complete your storybook that consists of 2 pages.