Build a web application of your choosing with a team.
- Come up with a proposal for an application and send it to me for approval
- Must have two features per team member (3 if that team member is a grad student)
- Must be completable by the deadline
- Must be functionality beyond simple CRUD operations
Start working
When your application is complete, you must record a demo of your application as if you were presenting it to potential investors.
- The video presentation must not exceed 5 minutes
- The video presentation must cover all the completed features of your application
- The video presentation must be uploaded to youtube and the link must accompany your code deliverable.
- Submit your application + presentation + team assessment before the deadline. 12/4 @ 6:25PM
You will be graded on the following categories.
- Completeness - Did you complete all the proposed features?
- Functionality - Does your application work well? Are there many bugs?
- Usability - Does your application look nice? Is it easy to use?
- Testing - Do you have a reasonable amount of test coverage? Are the tests properly implemented?
- Presentation - Did you cover all the functionality of the application? Did you effectively communicate the ideas to the viewer?
- Participation - Did you contribute equally to the team's success?
- Grab some extra credit by deploying it on the web.
Remember. Keep it simple.