Clone this repo to your local machine
Install kubectl
Install helm
Install minikube
https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-minikube/ https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/
Start minikube with extra RAM:
minikube start --memory='4000mb'
Add Helm chart repositories:
helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm repo add rucio https://rucio.github.io/helm-charts
Activate kubectl bash completion:
source <(kubectl completion bash)
View all containers:
kubectl get pods
View/Tail logfiles of pod:
kubectl logs <NAME> kubectl logs -f <NAME>
Update helm repositories:
helm repo update
Shut down minikube:
minikube stop
Install the main Rucio database (PostgreSQL):
helm install postgres bitnami/postgresql -f postgres_values.yaml
Run init container once to setup the Rucio database once the PostgreSQL container is running:
kubectl apply -f init-pod.yaml
Install the Rucio server:
helm install server rucio/rucio-server -f server.yaml
Prepare a client container for interactive use:
kubectl apply -f client.yaml
Jump into the client container and check if the clients are working:
kubectl exec -it client -- /bin/bash rucio whoami
Install the XRootD storage systems:
kubectl apply -f xrd.yaml
Install the FTS database (MySQL):
kubectl apply -f ftsdb.yaml
Install FTS, once the FTS database container is up and running:
kubectl apply -f fts.yaml
Install the Rucio daemons:
helm install daemons rucio/rucio-daemons -f daemons.yaml
Run FTS storage authentication delegation once:
kubectl create job renew-manual-1 --from=cronjob/daemons-renew-fts-proxy
Jump into the client container
kubectl exec -it client -- /bin/bash
Create the RSEs
rucio-admin rse add XRD1 rucio-admin rse add XRD2 rucio-admin rse add XRD3
Add the protocol definitions for the storage servers
rucio-admin rse add-protocol --hostname xrd1 --scheme root --prefix //rucio --port 1094 --impl rucio.rse.protocols.gfal.Default --domain-json '{"wan": {"read": 1, "write": 1, "delete": 1, "third_party_copy": 1}, "lan": {"read": 1, "write": 1, "delete": 1}}' XRD1 rucio-admin rse add-protocol --hostname xrd2 --scheme root --prefix //rucio --port 1094 --impl rucio.rse.protocols.gfal.Default --domain-json '{"wan": {"read": 1, "write": 1, "delete": 1, "third_party_copy": 1}, "lan": {"read": 1, "write": 1, "delete": 1}}' XRD2 rucio-admin rse add-protocol --hostname xrd3 --scheme root --prefix //rucio --port 1094 --impl rucio.rse.protocols.gfal.Default --domain-json '{"wan": {"read": 1, "write": 1, "delete": 1, "third_party_copy": 1}, "lan": {"read": 1, "write": 1, "delete": 1}}' XRD3
Enable FTS
rucio-admin rse set-attribute --rse XRD1 --key fts --value https://fts:8446 rucio-admin rse set-attribute --rse XRD2 --key fts --value https://fts:8446 rucio-admin rse set-attribute --rse XRD3 --key fts --value https://fts:8446
Fake a full mesh network
rucio-admin rse add-distance --distance 1 --ranking 1 XRD1 XRD2 rucio-admin rse add-distance --distance 1 --ranking 1 XRD1 XRD3 rucio-admin rse add-distance --distance 1 --ranking 1 XRD2 XRD1 rucio-admin rse add-distance --distance 1 --ranking 1 XRD2 XRD3 rucio-admin rse add-distance --distance 1 --ranking 1 XRD3 XRD1 rucio-admin rse add-distance --distance 1 --ranking 1 XRD3 XRD2
Indefinite storage quota for root
rucio-admin account set-limits root XRD1 -1 rucio-admin account set-limits root XRD2 -1 rucio-admin account set-limits root XRD3 -1
Create a default scope for testing
rucio-admin scope add --account root --scope test
Create initial transfer testing data
dd if=/dev/urandom of=file1 bs=10M count=1 dd if=/dev/urandom of=file2 bs=10M count=1 dd if=/dev/urandom of=file3 bs=10M count=1 dd if=/dev/urandom of=file4 bs=10M count=1
Upload the files
rucio upload --rse XRD1 --scope test file1 rucio upload --rse XRD1 --scope test file2 rucio upload --rse XRD2 --scope test file3 rucio upload --rse XRD2 --scope test file4
Create a few datasets and containers
rucio add-dataset test:dataset1 rucio attach test:dataset1 test:file1 test:file2 rucio add-dataset test:dataset2 rucio attach test:dataset2 test:file3 test:file4 rucio add-container test:container rucio attach test:container test:dataset1 test:dataset2
Create a rule and remember returned rule ID
rucio add-rule test:container 1 XRD3
Query the status of the rule
rucio rule-info <rule_id>
Add some more complications
rucio add-dataset test:dataset3 rucio attach test:dataset3 test:file4