This is a Laravel learning test project following the "Laravel From Scratch 2022" course by LaraGigs.
- How to Set Up Laravel;
- to set up Routing & Responses
- Wildcard Endpoints {variable},
- Route Constraints,
- Query Params
- Route Model Binding (automatic binding of model instances to routes);
- What are API Routes and where to find them;
- View Basics
- Passing Data
- Blade Templates
- Basic Directives
- Database Setup & Config
- Creating Database Migrations
- Running Migrations
- Database Seeding
- all randomly
- and with some custom fields
- Create an Eloquent Model
- Creating a Factory
- Creating a Layout & Sections
- Adding the Theme HTML
- Partials
- Blade Components and their Attributes
- Controllers
- Layout Component (using Layout as a Component instead of "extend & sections")
- Filter data ( by Model -> filter ( request( ['data'] ) ))
- Clockwork Package (very useful) - add to Chrome and
$ composer require itsgoingd/clockwork
- Create Form
- Validation & Store (
@csrf, @error
) - Flash Messages (+ Alpine.js For Message Removal)
- Keep Old Data In Form by
- File Upload
- Edit and Delete Stored object (
@method('PUT'), @method('DELETE')
- Validation & Store (
- Pagination (
-> paginate(number)
) - User Registration
- password validation & hashing
- Logged IN/OUT form + validation
- Auth & Guest Middleware (conf Middleware for "auth" pages)
- Conf const homePage in RouteServiceProvider.php
- Create Relationships between Users & job Posts
- adding DB FK with cascade deletion of posts (this is not a good idea to apply in all cases in my opinion ... )
- creating relarion in Model/ 1 <->* for User, and Posts *<->1
- Tinker Tinkering - that exist and what do :)
- How to add USER Ownership to job posts (Listings)
- Manage Listings Page validate by User Authorization
Finished ! :)
Thanks to @bradtraversy
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.