This is a C++ library, with no dependencies (except for libc), for designing and training multi-layer perceptrons. This library is meant for uses cases where:
- you need a neural network in an environment with constraints (game engines, embedded systems, etc)
- you want to avoid all the dependencies that usually come with neural network libraries
This library is not a replacement for libraries such as Torch or Tensorflow. It is an extremely lightweight alternative for use cases where you do not need as many bells and whistles.
Here is a minimal an example to demonstrate part of the library. Note that it does not include any code related to training the network (but the library does support training).
#include "retronet.h"
int main()
// create the builder, which instantiates a network
retronet::Builder *builder = retronet::Builder::make();
// the network design
.linear(28 * 28, 256)
.linear(256, 128)
.linear(128, 10);
// finalize the network
retronet::Network *net = builder->build();
// run the network on a dummy input
float input[28 * 28];
int output_rows{};
float* output = net->forward(input, 28 * 28, &output_rows);
// cleanup
delete builder;
delete net;
return 0;
For a more complete example, check out the Fashion MNIST example.