Current contact:
Dr. Thomas Müller
Haus der Astronomie/Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Email: tmueller [at]
- Description
- Requirements
- Installation with cmake
- Run example
GeoViS is a code for general relativistic ray tracing in four-dimensional Lorentzian spacetimes.
GeoViS is based on the Motion4D library
As the Motion4D library has some integrators taken from the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL), you also need GSL:
Standard output of images is in the ppm-Format. If you have tiff or png available, you can also compile GeoViS with the corresponding libraries.
Generate subdirs:
mkdir -p build/Debug mkdir -p build/Release
Enter e.g. build/Release folder
ccmake ../.. <= Please note the extra c in ccmake !!!
Press 'c' to configure.
Adjust the build variables:
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release GSL_DIR /path/to/gsl GSL_LIB_DIR /path/to/gsl/lib M4D_ROOT_DIR /absolute/path/to/m4d/ MPI_AVAILABLE ON or OFF MPI_DIR /path/to/mpi MPI_LIB_DIR /path/to/mpi/lib
If you have png library available
PNG_AVAILABLE ON PNG_INC_DIR /path/to/png/include PNG_LIB_DIR /path/to/png/lib
If you have tiff library available
TIFF_AVAILABLE ON TIFF_INC_DIR /path/to/tiff/include TIFF_LIB_DIR /path/to/tiff/lib
If you have tiff and/or png in the standard paths, you do not have to set the INC and LIB paths.
Press 'c' and 'g'.
To run an example, open a command line and switch into the GeoViS folder. Then, write
./gvsRender[d] examples/sphereAroundBlackhole.scm sphere.ppm
If you have MPI available and a multi-CPU machine, you can also use the parallel renderer. E.g. with 8 CPU:
mpirun -np 8 ./gvsRenderPar -tasks 24 -renderdev 0 examples/sphereAroundBlackhole.scm sphere.ppm
The parallel rendering adds an image number to each output image, e.g.: sphere_0.ppm