This package includes driver software for the InvenSense MPU9250 9DoF IMU. It provides a base driver class that allows a device specific (e.g. RPi, Arduino, etc.) driver to be easily derived and implemented. In it's current state, this repository includes a derived driver for the Raspberry Pi using pigpio.
Keywords: mpu9250 imu driver raspberry_pi
The source code is released under a MIT license.
Author: Paul D'Angio
Maintainer: Paul D'Angio,
The driver_mpu9250 package has been tested under ROS Melodic and Ubuntu 18.04. This is research code, expect that it changes often and any fitness for a particular purpose is disclaimed.
- Robot Operating System (ROS) (middleware for robotics)
- sensor_msgs_ext (ROS extended sensor messages)
- pigpio (Raspberry PI I/O)
To build from source, clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace and compile the package using
# Switch to your catkin workspace directory.
cd catkin_workspace
# Clone the package into the workspace src directory.
git clone src/driver_mpu9250
# Build the package.
Run any of the driver nodes with (where xxx is the driver type):
rosrun driver_mpu9250 driver_mpu9250_xxx
For example, to run the node using a driver for a Raspberry Pi:
# First, in a different terminal, start up the PiGPIO Daemon:
sudo pigpiod
# In a second terminal, start up the driver.
rosrun driver_mpu9250 driver_mpu9250_rpi
This package uses polymorphism with a base driver class to enable drivers to be built for a variety of hardware interfaces. To create your own device-specific driver:
- Create a new class for your device driver that extends the base driver class in
- In your derived driver class, implement the several pure abstract functions of the base driver class
- Create a new main.cpp that instantiates your derived class and passes it to the
instance through polymorphism before running the node. - Add the new main.cpp to your CMakeLists.txt as a new node executable.
You can refer to the following files in this package as an example for creating your custom device driver:
If you have created and tested a driver for a device not already covered in this package, please feel free to submit a pull request!
A Raspberry Pi driver for MPU9250. Ensure that the pigpio daemon is running before starting this node, and that your username is added to the 'gpio' group.
(sensor_msgs_ext/accelerometer) The acceleration measurements from the MPU9250.imu/gyroscope
(sensor_msgs_ext/gyroscope) The gyroscope measurements from the MPU9250.imu/magnetometer
(sensor_msgs_ext/magnetometer) The magnetic field measurements from the onboard AK8963 compass.imu/temperature
(sensor_msgs_ext/temperature) The die temperature of the MPU9250 sensor.
(sensor_msgs_ext/calibrate_gyroscope) Calibrates the gyroscope by calculating and removing gyroscope bias. The bias is calculated by averaging gyroscope data over an averaging period.
(int, default: 1)
The I2C bus to communicate with the MPU9250 over. -
(int, default: 0x68) The I2C address of the MPU9250. -
(int, default: 0)
The GPIO input pin connected to the MPU9250's interrupt pin. NOTE: You must use GPIO numbers, not pin numbers. -
(int, default: 0)
An enum value representing the digital low pass filter (DLPF) cutoff frequency for the gyroscopes.
NOTE: The publishing rate of Imu, MagneticField, and Temperature messages will be approximately 2.5x the gyro OR accel DLPF frequency (whichever is larger).
Enumerated Values:
250Hz = 0
184Hz = 1
92Hz = 2
41Hz = 3
20Hz = 4
10Hz = 5
5Hz = 6 -
(int, default: 0)
An enum value representing the digital low pass filter (DLPF) cutoff frequency for the accelerometers.
NOTE: The publishing rate of Imu, MagneticField, and Temperature messages will be approximately 2.5x the gyro OR accel DLPF frequency (whichever is larger).
Enumerated Values:
460Hz = 0
184Hz = 1
92Hz = 2
41Hz = 3
20Hz = 4
10Hz = 5
5Hz = 6 -
(int, default: 0)
The full scale range (FSR) of the gyroscopes.
Enumerated Values:
+/- 250deg/sec = 0
+/- 500deg/sec = 1
+/- 1000deg/sec = 2
+/- 2000deg/sec = 3 -
(int, default: 0)
The full scale range (FSR) of the accelerometers.
Enumerated Values:
+/- 2g = 0
+/- 4g = 1
+/- 8g = 2
+/- 16g = 3 -
(float, default: 8000)
The maximum allowable sensor data rate, in Hz. Data rate is normally calculated as half of the accel/gyro DLPF frequency (nyquist criterion). This parameter allows maximum cap on the data rate, regardless of the DLPF frequency.
Please report bugs and request features using the Issue Tracker.