Welcome to the codeforces_problems
repository! This repository contains solutions to various problems from Codeforces. The solutions are written in C and are organized by problem name.
The repository contains-
the following A problem solutions:
- [Anton and Letters]
- [Arpa’s hard exam and Mehrdad’s naive cheat]
- [Bachgold Problem]
- [Dawid and Bags of Candies]
- [Domino piling]
- [Elections]
- [Elephant]
- [Fair Playoff]
- [Fancy Fence]
- [Fafa and his Company]
- [Helpful Maths]
- [HQ9+]
- [Quirky Quantifiers]
- [The number of positions]
- [Vus the Cossack and a Contest]
- [Watermelon]
- [Yet Another Two Integers Problem]
the following B problem solutions:
- [Drinks]
the following H problem solutions:
- [Benches]
To run a solution, navigate to the repository directory and compile the C file. For example:
gcc Anton\ and\ Letters.c -o Anton_and_Letters