The objectives of this project are to:
- to demonstrate and implement all major concepts of object oriented programming
- to make a Database Management system for file operations and persistent memory
- to make a terminal graphics library and use it to develop a snake game
This project is an implementation of the classic Snake game using C++ and incorporates several essential software engineering and object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts. It consists of multiple components, including the game engine, graphics library, database management, and a user interface implemented in the main file.
The Graphics Library is a lightweight efficient graphics library for terminal. It provides a range of essential features for manipulating colors, pixels, grids, and complex shapes (glyphs), this library simplifies the process of creating interactive and visually appealing ascii graphics.
The library is organized into a C++ namespace named "Graphics." It defines several classes and structs within this namespace to encapsulate related functionality. Header files (header.hxx
) declare class and function prototypes, while source files provide implementations.
The Color
class is responsible for managing color attributes and text formatting. It stores foreground and background colors as rgb
structs, with options to set color intensity. The class also supports text formatting options, such as bold and italic. The put()
method generates ANSI escape codes to apply these attributes, while reset()
resets all color and formatting attributes.
Example of setting a color and generating escape codes:
Color foregroundColor({255, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0});
// the color class can also take some special flags like blinking/bold text/italic text etc in the next argument, whicha re defined as static
std::string colorCode = foregroundColor.put();
std::string resetCode = Color::reset();
The Pixel
class represents an individual character cell with associated color attributes. It allows the setting of both the character cell content and color. It can be displayed using the <<
operator, which applies color formatting.
Example of creating and displaying a pixel:
Color pixelColor({255, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0});
Pixel pixel("A", &pixelColor);
std::cout << pixel; // Displays a red letter "A"
The Grid
class is a 2D grid of pixels and is used to create a virtual console screen. It provides methods to access and manipulate individual pixels within the grid. The display()
method outputs the grid to the console, while clean()
clears all pixels. the static function clear()
clears the terminal
Example of creating a grid and displaying it:
Grid screen(80, 24); // Create an 80x24 grid
screen.display(); // Display the empty grid
The Gylph
class is used for creating complex graphical elements composed of multiple pixels. It takes arrays of character cells and colors to define the appearance of the element. The plot()
method is intended for adding the Gylph to a Grid.
Example of creating a Gylph and plotting it on a Grid:
std::vector<char[4]> gylphChars = {{". .", " . ", ". ."}};
std::vector<Color> gylphColors = {{Color({255, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0})}};
Boundary gylphBoundary = {{0, 0}, 3, 3};
Gylph g(gylphChars, gylphColors, gylphBoundary);
g.plot(screen); // Add the Gylph to the Grid
The Database Management Library is a C++ library designed to facilitate the creation and management of a simple database system. It provides classes and functions for defining database schemas, creating tables, inserting, retrieving, and updating data within tables, and handling array data structures. This database was intended to be made lightweight and easy to use
The library consists of the following key components:
- Database: Represents a database and manages tables within it.
- Table: Represents a table within a database and provides methods for interacting with rows.
- Schema: Defines the structure of a table, including fields and their data types.
- Row: Represents a row in a table and allows for data retrieval and manipulation.
- ArraySchema: Defines the structure of an array field within a table.
- ArrayCell: Represents an element within an array field.
- Cell: Represents a basic data cell within a table.
The Database Management Library offers the following features:
- Creation and management of databases and tables.
- Definition of database schemas, including fields and data types.
- Storing and retrieving data from tables.
- Support for array data structures within tables.
- Basic error handling and data validation.
The database data are stored in binary format. As binary data is not formatted in any order, a schema is used for each table to read and write data. The schema ensures portability of the stored data.
The schema contains field names and data types, while writing data to a datafile, the order remains the same as the schema's order. In case of strings, the first 4 Bytes contain the string length. Reading is done in the same order as the schema.
All data are loaded in a void pointer, which can be casted to any type according to schema
Here are some code snippets and usage examples to show how to use the library:
#include "header.hxx"
using namespace DB;
Database db("folder"); // Create a new database or load an existing one
Schema schema;
schema.addField("name", Schema::text);
schema.addField("age", Schema::integer);
db.add("table", &schema); // Create a table named "my_table" with the defined schema
//Retriving data
DB::Row* aa = db["scorecard"]["easy"];
int* rt = (int*)((*aa)[f].get());
//Writing data
DB::Row& row = db["scorecard"].row("easy");
row[f].set(DB::Schema::integer, (void*)&game.score);;
Row &row = Calendar["Events"].row("210101");
row("events")[0]["name"].set(Schema::text, vstr("1esty"));
row("events")[0]["description"].set(Schema::text, vstr("qqq"));; //saved to disk
//Retriving an entry
Row *aa = Calendar["Events"]["210101"];
std::cout << (char *)((*aa)("events")[0]["name"].get()) << std::endl;
The Snake Game Engine is implemented as a C++ library, encapsulating key game-related functionalities and structures. It employs various Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts to achieve modularity and maintainability.
The Game
class serves as the central component of the engine. It encapsulates the entire game state and provides methods for game initialization, updates, and rendering. Key attributes and methods of the Game
class include:
Snake snake
: An instance of theSnake
class representing the game's snake.Food* current_food
: A pointer to the current food instance, eitherRegularFood
.Graphics::Grid grid
: An instance of theGrid
class for rendering the game* mp
: Pointer to an integer array for tracking the game grid level, rows, columns
: Game level, number of rows, and columns.DIRECTIONS curr
: Current direction of the score
: Player's current score.bool hasfood
: Indicates whether there's food on the grid.
Game(int columns, int rows, int level)
: Constructor for initializing the game.bool move(DIRECTIONS direction, bool ate)
: Moves the snake in the specified direction. and also checks for self collision and game endint &operator()(int i, int j)
: Overloaded operator for accessing grid cells.void plot()
: Updates the grid to reflect the snake's current position.void serve()
: Places food on the grid.void display()
: Displays the game grid.bool collides()
: Checks if the snake collides with food.
The Snake
class represents the game's snake. It is a friend class of Game
, allowing it to access and manipulate the game's internal state. It consists of a std::list
of Point
objects, where each Point
represents a segment of the snake.
The snakes body was defined as a list of blocks. The list data structure was chosen efficiency. it does not requires large movement of data for appending data at front or end, and removal of last element is also O(1)
The Food
class is an abstract base class that defines the common interface for regular and special food. It includes the give_points()
method, which returns the number of points awarded when the snake consumes the food.
classes derive fromFood
and implement thegive_points()
method to provide different point values.
Initialization: The
class is instantiated with the desired grid dimensions and level. It initializes the game grid, snake, and sets the current food type. -
Game Loop: The game enters a continuous loop where it waits for player input and updates the game state accordingly.
Player Input: Player input is captured via the
function, which sets the direction for the snake (up, down, left, right) based on the user's keypress. -
Game Logic: The
function handles the core game logic. It updates the snake's position, checks for collisions, manages food, and calculates the player's score. -
Rendering: The
function updates the grid to reflect the snake's current position, and theserve()
function places food on the grid. -
Collision Handling: Collisions are checked using
, and if the snake collides with food, the player's score is updated. -
Game Over: If the snake collides with itself or the grid boundaries, the game ends, and the player's score is saved to the database.
std::cout << "\nWelcome to Snakeland\n\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "1. Continue game\n2. New Game\n3. Show Scores\n\nOption: " << std::endl;
int q;
while (std::cin >> q) {
// Game initialization and option handling go here
In the main file, two threads are created to handle concurrent gameplay:
void gameLoop();
The gameLoop
function is responsible for managing the game's core logic. It runs in its own thread and handles tasks such as collision detection, player input processing, updating the game state, and managing game over conditions. This threading ensures that the game logic can run independently and efficiently.
void inputLoop();
The inputLoop
function also runs in its own thread and is responsible for capturing player input during the game. It continuously monitors the keyboard for user inputs. When a player presses keys like arrow keys ('w', 'a', 's', 'd'), the inputLoop
function captures and processes these inputs, allowing for real-time control of the snake's direction.
By utilizing threads, the game can handle gameplay and input simultaneously, providing a responsive and enjoyable gaming experience.
int max_easy = 0;
DB::Database db("Snake");
char* f = "score";
scorecard.setIndex("scorecard").addField(f, DB::Schema::integer);
db.add("scorecard", &scorecard);
The max_easy
variable is used to store the highest score achieved in the "easy" mode of the game. The game initializes the database connection, allowing it to retrieve and update the player's highest score.
if (!sst && game.score > 4) {
// >4 is required for gamestart self collision prevention
death = true;
DB::Row& row = db["scorecard"].row("easy");
row[f].set(DB::Schema::integer, (void*)&game.score);;
std::cout << "Game Over" << std::endl;
The main file provides players with options when starting the game. The player's choice is captured using std::cin
, and based on the selected option, appropriate actions are taken, such as game initialization.
template <class T>
T getch(void) {
// ...
The getch
function is a templated function that allows the program to capture a single character of user input without echoing it to the console. It uses system calls and terminal settings to achieve this functionality. This function is used to capture player input in real-time during the game, allowing the snake's movement to respond to the player's keypresses. it is templated to return either int or char value.
Inheritance is a fundamental object-oriented programming (OOP) concept, and it's used in various parts of the codebase.
Use Case:
In the Engine
namespace, there is an example of inheritance in the RegularFood
and SpecialFood
classes. These classes inherit from the base class Food
. This allows for code reuse and a common interface for different types of food objects.
class Food {
Boundary boundary;
virtual int give_points() = 0;
class RegularFood : public Food {
int give_points();
class SpecialFood : public Food {
int give_points();
An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated and is meant to be subclassed. In the codebase, the Food
class serves as an abstract class.
Use Case:
The Food
class declares a pure virtual function give_points()
, making it an abstract class. Subclasses like RegularFood
and SpecialFood
must provide an implementation for this function.
class Food {
virtual int give_points() = 0;
Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common base class. Polymorphism is used extensively in the game engine.
Use Case:
Polymorphism is demonstrated when different food objects, such as RegularFood
and SpecialFood
, are treated as instances of the base class Food
. This enables a unified way of interacting with different food types.
Food* current_food; // Polymorphic usage of food objects
current_food = new RegularFood;
class Row {
Schema* scheme;
std::fstream file;
std::string location;
std::string index;
std::map<std::string, Cell> cells;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<ArrayCell>> array_cells;
bool loaded = false;
friend class Table;
Row(Schema* scheme, std::string location);
Cell& operator[](std::string fieldname);
std::vector<ArrayCell>& operator()(std::string fieldname);
bool load();
bool del_row();
bool del_arr_index();
Cell setField();
bool save();
The codebase involves file operations, such as reading and writing game data to files.
Use Case:
In the main
file, the code reads and writes game scores and state information to files using file streams, demonstrating file handling.
Snippet (File Reading):
DB::Row* aa = db["scorecard"]["easy"];
int* rt = (int*)((*aa)[f].get());
Snippet (File Writing):
row[f].set(DB::Schema::integer, (void*)&game.score);;
Encapsulation is the concept of bundling data (attributes) and methods (functions) that operate on that data into a single unit, known as a class. It helps in data hiding and abstraction.
Use Case:
Encapsulation is used throughout the codebase. For instance, in the Engine
namespace, the Snake
class encapsulates the data and logic related to the snake's movement and fragments.
Snippet (Encapsulation in Snake Class):
class Snake {
friend class Game;
std::list<Point> fragments;
template <class T>
T getch(void) {
struct termios oldattr, newattr;
int ch;
tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &oldattr);
newattr = oldattr;
newattr.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newattr);
ch = getchar();
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &oldattr);
return ch;
} /* reads from keypress, echoes */
The Standard Template Library (STL) is a C++ library that provides various template classes and functions. It's used implicitly in many parts of the codebase, especially with containers like std::list
and std::thread
Composition and aggregation are design concepts where a class can contain or be associated with other objects. In the codebase, the Game
class is composed of other objects, such as Snake
, Graphics::Grid
, and Food
. It also demonstrates aggregation when creating instances of RegularFood
and SpecialFood
inside the Game
Use Case (Composition):
class Game {
// ...
Snake snake;
RegularFood rf;
SpecialFood sf;
// ...
Use Case (Aggregation):
class Game {
// ...
Food *current_food;
// ...
Static classes are classes that cannot be instantiated, and their methods can be called directly on the class itself. While not explicitly used in the codebase, the code uses static methods from user-made libraries like Graphics::clear()
Grid::Grid(int columns, int rows) : rows(rows), columns(columns) {
graph = new Pixel*[rows * columns + 1111];
for (int i = 0; i < rows * columns + 1110; i++) {
graph[i] = (Pixel*)blank_pixel;
_set = true;
Grid::Grid() {}
void Grid::set(int c, int r) {
rows = r;
columns = c;
try {
if (_set) throw "[Grid] second time init\n";
graph = new Pixel*[rows * columns + 10];
for (int i = 0; i < rows * columns; i++) {
graph[i] = (Pixel*)blank_pixel;
} catch (std::string err) {
std::cerr << err;
class Food {
Boundary boundary;
virtual int give_points() = 0;
class RegularFood : public Food {
int give_points();
In conclusion, this project demonstrates the successful application of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts to create a classic Snake game.
The game engine, implemented in the Engine
namespace, illustrates the power of OOP by incorporating inheritance, abstract classes, and polymorphism. It showcases encapsulation with well-defined class structures, operator overloading for easier data access, and templates for generic functionality. The Standard Template Library (STL) is utilized for essential components like lists and threads, while composition and aggregation are employed to build the game environment.
The Graphics
namespace manages graphical elements, providing a user-friendly interface for rendering the game grid. In contrast, the DB
namespace handles data storage and retrieval for high scores, demonstrating file I/O and structured data management.
This project represents a scaled-down version of the original objective, which was to develop an open-world RPG game utilizing cellular automata. However, due to the imposed submission deadline, only the database and graphics modules were completed at the time. There was some