[42 Project] - Last project of the 42 school's DevOps branch
[42 Project] - Last project of the 42 school's DevOps branch. The aim of the Docker-1 project is to make you handle docker and docker-machine and dockerfile, and give a overall idea about containerization. You can see the details about this project from here.
Docker-1 project mainly consists of 3 different parts:
- 00_how_to_docker
- 01_dockerfile
- 02_bonus
For the docker-1 project we are not allowed to use the MAC desktop environment instead we need to use homebrew. below you can find the installation instruction step by step.
- First of all we need to install Homebrew on school's Mac:
rm -rf $HOME/.brew && git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/Homebrew/brew $HOME/.brew && export PATH=$HOME/.brew/bin:$PATH && brew update && echo "export PATH=$HOME/.brew/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc
- Install the docker & docker-machine using homebrew
brew install docker docker-machine
- Now we need to move .Docker folder to goinfre folder because the space limitation:
mv .docker/ /goinfre/trahman
- Finally, creating a soft link to home directory:
ln -s /goinfre/trahman/.docker $HOME
- Now we are ready to start the project!!!
1. If docker deamon is not connected
1. docker-machine regenerate-certs Char
2. eval $(docker-machine env Char)
3. docker version
4. It should be good.
1. You can find details explanation about the exercises as a comment inside of the solution files.
2. You can find all useful links and cheatsheet from resources directory.