MicroBitcoin (MBC) is a decentralized currency involving Blockchain Technology.
Coin Site : https://www.microbitcoinico.co
Block Explorer: https://blockexplorer.microbitcoin.co
Algorithm: Scrypt
Type : PoW/PoS
Coin name: MicroBitcoin
Coin abbreviation: MBC
Coin Supply: 25200000 MBC
Premine: 1260000 MBC
Address letter: M
RPC port: 33014
P2P port: 33013
PoS percentage : 10% per year
Block reward : 57 coins
Coinbase maturity : 20 blocks
Target spacing : 64 seconds
Target timespan: 1 block
Transaction confirmations: 6 blocks
Seednode 1:
Seednode 2:
How to use this image
If you wish to adapt the default configuration
docker run -d --name my_microbitcoin tarunsinghaldotme/microbitcoin
If you need to change the RPC username and password, then you can use the environment variable
docker run -d --name my_microbitcoin -e "RPC_USER=username" -e "RPC_PASSWORD=secret" tarunsinghaldotme/microbitcoin