Name | Purpose | Source | Version |
git-delta | Diff pager | GitHub | 0.18.2 |
Name | Purpose | Source | Version |
neovim-cmp | autocompletion | GitHub | 0.0.1.r216.gb555203 |
neovim-cmp-buffer | autocompletion source for buffer words | GitHub | r53.3022dbc |
neovim-cmp-nvim-lsp | autocompletion source for LSP client | GitHub | r40.99290b3 |
neovim-cmp-tags | autocompletion source for tags | GitHub | r25.e126a09 |
neovim-cmp_luasnip | autocompletion source for LuaSnip | GitHub | r68.98d9cb5 |
neovim-formatter | formatter | GitHub | r201.eb89a1f |
neovim-lint | linter | GitHub | r434.1fea92f |
neovim-lspconfig | collection of config for LSP client | GitHub | 1.2.0.r13.g8b15a1a5 |
neovim-luasnip | snippets engine | GitHub | 2.3.0.r100.g33b06d7 |
vim-goyo | distraction free writing | GitHub | 1.6.0.r41.gfa0263d |
vim-gutentags | tag management | GitHub | 1.0.0.r80.gaa47c5e |
vim-nerdcommenter | code commenter | GitHub | 2.7.0 |
vim-repeat | improve repeat command | GitHub | 1.2 |
vim-sayonara | sane buffer/window deletion | GitHub | r51.75c73f3 |
vim-surround | surroundings editor | GitHub | 2.2 |
vim-taboo | tab utilities | GitHub | r50.937f67a |
vim-tagbar | tag bar | GitHub | 3.1.1 |
vim-tmux-navigator | tmux panes navigator | GitHub | r94.d847ea9 |
vim-undotree | undo history visualizer | GitHub | 6.1 |
vim-unicode | Unicode glyph completion | GitHub | 20.r165.g9da92ff |
Name | Purpose | Source | Version |
weechat-vimode | vim-like mode and keybindings | GitHub | r203.57bd66c |
Name | Purpose | Source | Version |
fzf-tab | fzf completion for zsh | GitHub | r272.6aced3f |
zsh-autosuggestions | fish-like autosuggestions | GitHub | 0.7.1 |
zsh-history-substring-search | fish-like history substring search | GitHub | 1.1.0 |
zsh-syntax-highlighting | syntax highlighting | GitHub | 0.8.0 |