Collection of patched fonts with programming ligature for Powerline, Font Awesome, and others.
Enjoy programming (especially on macOS).
Double click Meslo Regular Nerd Font Complete.otf
to install.
-> Prefs...
-> Profiles
-> Text
-> Change Font
-> select Meslo Nerd Font
-> Prefs...
-> Profiles
-> Text
-> check Use Ligatures
// Controls the font family.
"editor.fontFamily": "'Meslo Nerd Font', Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace",
// Enables font ligatures
"editor.fontLigatures": true,
-> Prefs...
-> Editor
-> Font Family
-> fill in Meslo Nerd Font
Find fonts with Font Book. Right click and Show in Finder
brew install fontforge
# Option 1 (Recommended): generate Nerd Fonts
git clone
cd nerd-fonts/
# generate Menlo Regular Nerd Font Complete.otf
fontforge -script font-patcher --complete --progressbars --extension otf Menlo.ttc
# Option 2: generate Powerline fonts
git clone
cd fontpatcher/scripts/
# generate Menlo Regular for Powerline.otf
fontforge -script powerline-fontpatcher Menlo.ttc