Video Text Extraction and Download Script This Python script facilitates the download of a YouTube video and extracts text from its frames. It utilizes libraries such as OpenCV, PyTesseract, Pillow, shutil, and pytube to achieve its functionalities.
Features: Download Functionality: Downloads a YouTube video specified by its link. Video Processing: Processes the downloaded video to extract frames and analyze the text within them. Text Extraction: Utilizes PyTesseract to extract text from frames of the video. Output to File: Writes the extracted text to an output file named 'output.txt'. Requirements: Python 3.x OpenCV (cv2) PyTesseract Pillow (PIL) Pytube How to Use: Ensure that all required libraries are installed (pip install opencv-python pytesseract Pillow pytube). Set the path to the Tesseract executable (tesseract_cmd) if necessary. Run the script with the desired YouTube video link or provide a local video file named 'abc.mp4' in the same directory as the script. Extracted text will be saved in 'output.txt' file. Usage Example: python Copy code process_images() # Run the script to process images and extract text
Download('') # Uncomment to download a YouTube video
Note: Ensure that the 'abc.mp4' file exists in the same directory or modify the script to process a different video file. This script is designed for educational and demonstration purposes and can be extended for various text extraction and video processing tasks. Feel free to customize the script according to your requirements and integrate it into your projects.